Two problems...

One, why didn't the dad kick the sh!t out of her boyfriend after he found out the kid hit his daughter....and two (it's kinda silly but still bothered me), the girl didn't know how to crack a f'n egg?! C'mon, REALLY?! How stupid was she?


I thought the same thing about the egg! Too funny!


I agree about the egg. She's what...16 and can't crack an egg?
I assume she's trying to break it without getting shell in it, but still LOL!
But then, this is a girl who believes (at first) that 'if you love someone it doesn't matter what they do.' What a ditz she was.

And I was surprised too that the dad didn't punch Mark out, or even confront him in any real way. He yelled a threat out the window.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



Because the wife was a lawyer and knew there'd be a serious lawsuit if the dad beat up the kid? You can't do that kind of thing anymore. And cracking an egg can be tricky; considering teens today, her lack of knowledge wasn't that surprising. Kids aren't trained automatically in home arts anymore. One woman I know couldn't take her newborn baby home until a candy striper showed her how to change a diaper; this was required because women no longer know how to do this automatically by adulthood.
