MovieChat Forums > Reviving Ophelia (2010) Discussion > ok how the hell could those parents not ...

ok how the hell could those parents not know something was up?

Ok the girl had a clear as day *beep* shoe print on her chin in the hospital, and they buy the car accendent story!!! WTF! dumb ass parents! although the guy who played mark was GORGEOUS. but still a *beep* shoe print on her chin!!! really? how could u miss that???????? dumb people.

Life's a bitch, now so am I - Catwoman


It was a bruise, not a shoe mark; he even said he hit her, not kicked her, when they talked about it later.


whitespirit is right. Its a bruise from his hitting her.

What I didn't get was WHY didn't the parents demand to see an accident report?
How does one bang their cheek in a car accident anyway?

Those parents were dumb as a bag of rocks. Almost as dumb as their daughter Elizabeth.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


It was a bruise but if it was a shoe print they would believe her if she said she fell into his foot.
