Coming up....

......on any edition of DC Cupcakes......

The sisters do some silly banter back and forth, sometimes funny sometimes not. Andre remains unwahed and no one wears a hairnet. Mommy does or says something odd. Sophie receives a staged phone call or a customer comes to the store and says how the "must have this project done by (insert time and date)

They do some more silly stuff, waste a ton of batter (which they make up for by charging 3 bucks for one single cupcake) Then they go to their lab which "is our original location but we kept for special projects" actually, they can keep paying the rent on two places due to tne 3 buck they go, design it...Sophie calls her hubby for help, he makes it for her and then at the last minute they are rushing out the door because time is a tickin! And even tho they have had that spot for years and have done numerius projects.....they still seem to encounter the "oh my god, i wonder if it will fit thru the door!"

Some drama like a wrong turn or traffic always makes it a possibility of being late, but they do and fix all the damaged cupcakes just in the nick of time.

People should have to pass a common sense test to be able to use message boards
