MovieChat Forums > Terri (2012) Discussion > I was hoping for more 1 votes by now.

I was hoping for more 1 votes by now.

Roger Ebert gave "Terri" 4 Stars (out of 4). I give it 1.5 ... every other movie that I've seen about a social misift character, Ghost World, Napoleon Dynamite, Welcome to the Dollhouse, American Splendor, etc. was a better movie than Terri. Terri is the worst movie about social misfits that I can remember seeing. Ebert gave Napoleon Dynamite 1.5 stars by the way.

I consider Ghost World and Napoleon Dynamite to be two of the best indie movies of the past 10 years. Terri is not even in the same stratosphere. I don't hate Ebert, I'm just saying he's wrong.


I enjoyed Ghost World very much, but I don't think it was a better film than Terri, just different. Napoleon Dynamite was fun. But it was in no way a realistic film about teenage alienation. Opinions are like belly buttons, everyones got one!


It seems like you gave "Terri" a 1.5 rating because Ebert gave "ND", a film you liked, a 1.5 rating. Tit for tat?


I gave it a 1vote.

The movie sucked.

And I watch tons of movies.

Their is no reason to watch this movie.
And is just a boring waste of time.


As the movie was an 'indie film' I opted to give it much leeway to tell its story. Well, all I can say is that I {b]didn't[/b] like the film, period. The titular character had issues, sure, and John C. Riley's character was out to help him get through them as best he could. Still, Terri should've just walked/lurched around in his PJs with a neon "sucker!" sign on his forehead for the number of times Riley's character bamboozled him, leading Riley's character to finally tell Terri that, essentially, 'yeah I lie to you if I have to but its only b/c I'm trying the best I can to help you out'.

Had the story concentrated on that relationship alone that would've sufficed. Things started to get muddled when Terri's fellow teenage misfits began to take a more active role in the script in the last quarter of the film. Given the intimacy involved in the drinking scene it seemed a little unusual they'd reached that juncture.

How'd the kid who pulled his hair out go from one day doing that in the waiting row for the Principal's Office to dropping by Terri's place for a huge stash of beans on toast? The girl Terri helps also goes from social pariah to stoned on the floor at Terri's place, aching to get it on with Terri. Fair if the seeds for these ideas had started earlier in the film. That all that should be introduced so late in the film just rubbed me the wrong way.

Not as bad as hair-pulling kid. Man I was hoping Terri would smack that lil pr ick's noggin but there they all are towards the last 10 minutes of the ilm, passout on the floor after, earlier hair-pulling kid drunk & topless in Terri's uncle's house!


I hated that little hair-pulling prick too and wanted Terri to smash puny human. Guess the movie did make us feel something. That's good.

A good fingering, finger sniffing, drugs, urine, cock, breasts; Child porn CAN be entertaining!


Titular character, lol. Hope you planned that.


Yes yes, you're so smart because you like a movie they don't, we get it. All hail the smartest man on imdb: JohnnyTwoTone! There, do you feel better now?

Back on topic, it's not a great film, I agree. It's not as bad as deserving a 1 vote or anything (that's reserved for those who don't even get the mechanics of film making correct), but it's not worth more than a 5 or 6. It's either a drama with nobody to get behind, or a comedy with no jokes. Either way it's not that good. And yes, I got the allegory of the traps/ mice/ birds, but so what? It didn't help this mess of a movie.

We've seen this all done before, and with better style and quality...

"No it's not you, I just don't like having dinner... with people..." - Paul Rudd




Ah, my mistake. I gave you too much credit. I thought it was an ironic act that's supposed to represent what people who 'didn't get it' would say... won't happen again.

"No it's not you, I just don't like having dinner... with people..." - Paul Rudd



Wait, let us analyze for a moment what's going on here:

-You insult yourself by saying you're a hairy knuckled idiot who didn't 'get the movie'

-I think you're smarter than you are by assuming it was an ironic act meant to represent the 'other side' (aka those who didn't like it - who must be cavemen idiots)

-You become angry for me assuming you were smarter than you actually are, then you rant about how i should 'huff a semi truck', whatever that even means.

Is that about right? I don't even know where to start with that one. So i'll just stop while you're behind. You insult yourself man, you don't need my help. Just make another post, you ARE the punchline...

"No it's not you, I just don't like having dinner... with people..." - Paul Rudd


Ebert gave it 4 out of 4 because it was an autobiography.


But how are those movies better? I like them too (well, never saw American Splendor) but this was a different movie that was meant to be more realistic.

Arthur's Christmas - 6/10
Terri - 9/10


I actually agree with many of the comments here. I will go one further and say that in my eyes this film comes off as amateur student production with pretentiously unimaginative writing. The usage of mise-en-scene is rather contrived: a PJ-wearing central character and a hair-pulling neurotic teen are obvious devices in an attempt to bring quirkiness to the plot. None of it evokes sympathy, realism, or humor. In addition, the third act takes on an uninteresting plot trajectory involving Heather, Chad, and Terri.


I saw this movie recommended on Ebert's top 20. I'm thinking I watched the wrong movie b/c I am not getting a 4/4 stars movie here. I gave it 5/10 personally. Didn't make me feel anything for the characters...Terri annoyed me and I wanted to kill Chad by the end.
If the dialogue had been wittier or probably would have worked. I feel like I wasted 2 hours though watching some dumb kids who I want to punch in the face.

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.


I agree with a poster above that we need to lay off each other a little and accept the fact that we don't all look for the same things in a movie, or relate to characters in the same way.

I really enjoyed this movie because the characters seemed real to me. There was some amateurishness around the edges, but I thought Terri was an interesting person - not especially likeable but I could relate somewhat to his struggles to relate, and to care.

And the 3-some scene was more vital, more intense than any scene I've encountered in any other move in the past year or so.

My biggest complaint is that I don't really buy in to the social dynamics in the school, in several respects. But won't get into it to avoid spoilers.

