
This movie is underrated. Don't all see what's so bad about it. The twist in the end was rly good and all the flashback she had how they reflects on what happened to her for real.
People are complaining about that noone called the cops and that that is not possible irl. Well it kinda is, there have been a lot of psychological experiments that proove that when something bad has happened people tend to ignore it and go on with their own life. Even more when noone else around them is doing anything.

As for the fact that she knew the psychiatrist was having an affair. (Dunno how so many people missed it ) basicly allison's ex boyfriend told her he suspected something and he told kaitlyn that their relationship was getting worse since allison went to see this psychiatrist. Also when she goes to him lateron he kinda indicates he had an affair with her when she told him about allison he would shut down. This indicates that there was something on between them.

Then there was the end. U get sucked into believing her that she has visions and then u have this fantastic twist in the end. Even if her mental problems aren't a 100% psychologicly correct it was still verry wel done.
The acting wasn't always the best but can't say that it was bad either.
i'd say:
6.5/10 for acting
8.5/10 for script
not sure I liek this movie cause I'm a 3th year psychology student and get drawn more into the storyline. But even if ur into this mystery/thriller genre I don't get why u would rankt his movie 4.9


Thanks - we're very proud of our little movie :-)


I really enjoyed it. It is better than majority of the popcorn flicks that are out there. I really enjoy these types of psychological thrillers and 90% of them are low budget and because of that does not get the necessary recognition that it deserves.

Well done.



what about the necklace? why would she know the guy had it?

that's the only thing that made me think she did see ghost visions. I know she didn't because of the end but it made it look like it did.
