The jailbreak

So, Hadji gets rescued by a highly organized operation involving carcrashes and men with firearms in the middle of New York. This is all done by the very peace-loving hippie kind of muslims who somehow seem to have trained for these kinds of special ops just in case. *sigh*

What is the FBI:s response to this? Well, at least it is not to try to round up the people who did the break, or at least check the closest group around Hadji since Marcus (Danny Glover) is later seen in Turkey and had no trouble leaving the US. Obviously breaking a FBI prisoner-transport is not such a serious crime. If FBI only gets the prisoner back a few days layer, hey, no foul!

This is so stupid. . .

And what about the lightning throughout the movie? There where lense-flares like one couldn't believe and during the whole movie the picture was tuned way to bright!


Yeah, that jail-break was ridiculous. Up to that point I was trying to give the movie the benefit of the doubt, but once I saw that I knew it was only going to get worse.

Other memorable scenes:

Turkish cops lecturing the FBI about "wars for oil".
FBI agents strolling into a mosque mid-service, demanding everyone's attention, and then being lectured about "respect".
Endless scenes of Hadji assuring everyone that Islam means peace.

The only possible positive side I could see to this movie is that it may influence some Muslim youths to reject the militant interpretations of Islam. Maybe. Unfortunately, all it did for me was to make me laugh uncontrollably at all the scenes which were meant to be serious and "emotional" - it was THAT ludicrous. But if there's some kind of cultural difference that makes this movie a huge hit in the Muslim world, then I wish it the best of luck. I just wouldn't recommend it to anyone else.


FBI agents strolling into a mosque mid-service, demanding everyone's attention, and then being lectured about "respect".
This is one of the scenes that are missing from the U.K. Blu-ray version. I noticed it in the trailer and started wondering how much material is actually missing here.


"So, Hadji gets rescued by a highly organized operation involving carcrashes and men with firearms in the middle of New York. This is all done by the very peace-loving hippie kind of muslims who somehow seem to have trained for these kinds of special ops just in case. *sigh* "

Ok u've got a point there. But this could be explained by when Hadji says that The Prophet defended his own life, property, honor. As all men ought to. Hence they need to prepare in case such a predicament arises, especially when the FBI, Homeland racially profiling, etc.

Still, there was no need to go through all that. People could've been killed in that accident! And as it's said in Islam, "To kill one innocent is as if you've killed the whole humanity".

And Islam is a religion of peace. Anyone committing atrocities in the name of the religion is NOT a Muslim!
