Its offical

Its really bad. I laughed so hard when the guy gets shot in the leg...1 minute later he is running through the woods kicking bad guy butt than jumping 20 feet in holes. This was even bad if it were an 80s horror script...I do not recommend at all for horror fans


You're watching a monster movie and complaining about the lack of realism?

"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."


"SPOILER ALERT" I went in knowing this was gonna be a cheesy monster movie. I wasn't disappointed. But the gun shot in the leg did get me when he was sprinting, not just running, dead running, through the woods. "SPOILER ALERT" Also why was the "Carrie" scene in slow motion? When the Creatures hand comes up out of the mud should never have been in slow motion. That would have been a great jump, but in slow motion it is ruined. The rest of that scene was fine in Slo-mo, but not the first part. Anyway, I liked this movie ok,not great, but not bad.


You should watch Shark Night..... A guy gets his arm bitten off, has been bleeding out for hours, and is almost dead, then he suddenly jumps up, grabs a spear and decides he's going to fist fight a shark in the water.

"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."
