MovieChat Forums > This Is England '86 (2010) Discussion > What story lines would you like to see i...

What story lines would you like to see in the next series?

Also, as the film revolved around Shaun and '86 around Lol, who would you like to be at the centre of the next series main storyline?



Obvious answer really. And more of the gorgeous Kelly.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a woman?


Combo becomes an investment banker and returns to the old neighbourhood in a ferrari, speaking loudly into a huge mobile phone.


If Combo gets out (okay he "murdered" someone but was stopping an attempted rape, dunno what kind of sentence he will get), he would make a classic drug dealing doorman at a 1990 rave club.

Shaun could be his runner, Woody would be the nice fella raving all night without taking anything, Lol (or one of the gals) would be a resident DJ.


I also see Gadget losing about 10 stone and becoming a fanny magnet from dancing all night


i can see woody being the overly friendly pill dealer, and lol DJ'n yeah, then woody getting tripped up by the coppers again when they raid a rave!

The Weekend Has Landed



thats portraying it in a bad light, wrong people?, thats what the media said about the scene lol

The Weekend Has Landed


The scene had some good people and some bad people


Do you think the next series (if there is one, I hope there is) will be as traumatic? I think what Shane Meadows does is brilliant but I was thinking today it might be a bit much to make every character have such a dramatic storyline, makes it a bit like a soap opera - or am I just being too cynical?

I was also thinking maybe they could tackle a storyline on homosexuality. What do you reckon? I'm just thinking out loud here. :)


homosexualitys a bit generic, been done by skins/pretty much very soap. so has druga really, they'll struggle to find any new themes to tackle or anything, but TIE isnt really about that anyway.


Trev Lol and the rest of the family dealing with what happened
Meggy finding out he is a dad ( i thought he would have found out this series)
Woody finding out about Lol and Milky
Shaun and smell getting married/ having a baby


As it is in 4 year intervals with Mexico '86 being strongly featured, I think Italia '90 is the next progressive chapter.
Combo out and reformed
Shauns mum and Mr Sandhu 'together'.........might send combo 'over the edge' as he is protective of Shaun
But mainly........Woody to get a decent haircut!!!!


Shaun to join the army and serve in Iraq (1991) Might be a nice touch given his dad's fate. Combo ends up in a wheelchair, with a black nurse who saves him from suicide (bit contrived i guess). I think there is plenty of story for these guys yet.
