I want my second season NOW!

Where in blue hell is the second season???


Sorry, no second season. This show may have been popular here in America. But in Japan nobody really gave a crap about this show. So, they're not going to bother making a second season to make a few people in America happy when nobody in Japan really cares.


If you want to know what happens next, buy and read the manga starting with volume 5. (The anime covers volumes 1-4.)


there is a 2nd season coming

Which came first the virus or the anti-virus!


It comes out this fall :D

Girl#1: We're dead if we don't do something.
Girl#2: Something's already dead. Your ends.


Which came first the virus or the anti-virus!


Anything about Season 2 yet? I've been waiting so long and haven't heard any news. I heard rumors that it was expected to come out in the winter maybe two years ago, but still nothing.

Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing. -- Orson Welles


Why do you say that? Thats not true.




Don't listen to the others.
Go to the parentalguide and read one of the last paragraphs.
It shoulld be coming now,but since it hasn't I'll just be waiting for it to return,same how went with Avatar The Last Airbender,until Legend of Korra,I knew about,aired :)


A new and upcoming show called Triage X was created to replace Highschool of the Dead. Therefore it's said to be very comparable in terms of content and theme.

Almost all the characters are counterparts of the ones in HOTD. Just read this: http://highschool-of-the-dead.wikia.com/wiki/Triage_X
