Bluetongue Films

I think it is fair to say that Bluetongue Films do not use sex to pull an audience. Animal Kingdom and Wish You Were Here are good examples of letting the story be the prime motivator for watching the movie.
Good gritty storytelling. I cant wait for their next project.


have you seen some of their short films. they are incredible!

this is your life & its ending 1 minute at a time


is this really noteworthy? even if they're not the majority, enough other companies are able to do it too. not trying to be an a-hole, just seems like Bluetongue would have other things to praise


I think it's as noteworthy as your little semi-negative comment Hancockworthy, just because you're not trying to be a-hole doesn't mean you still don't come off like one. I agree with the OP they've done a great job with the scripts they've developed into films. Thanks to the above poster for mentioning the short films they've done I'll have to seek them out.


yea my post was pretty unecessary no matter how nice I could have made it sound, apologies to the OP.


yes, tight, tense, hard-hitting dramas, but i think they do need more sex
