MovieChat Forums > Wish You Were Here (2013) Discussion > Great movie...but one thing

Great movie...but one thing

I loved this movie. I thought it was realistic, well acted and overall just a good time. However one small thing that just kept annoying me throughout:

Why the hell was that cop from the 'FPA'. Clearly, the character is based on a policeman from the AFP. This was mentioned about four times. There was even a scene where the guy goes onto the FPA website. Was there some bizzare copyright issue? WTF? Since when is it not allowed to refer to the AFP in a movie?

This issue kept popping up throughout the film and it really bothered me. Other than that, Loved it.


you ever heard of a *spoiler alert*??

...ya big dummy



actually....i read it...and i havent seen the movie yet. I don't know if its spoiled the movie or not because out of context it means nothing to me but it might have totally *beep* everything up for all i know.

I don't think you can call your title a clear indication "Great movie...but one thing" could have contained "great movie but so and so actress was miscast" or "great movie but the signs were all in the wrong language" or "great movie but that gun has 10 round magazines, not 9". If what you wrote really is key to the movie's plot, then it was your civic duty to put your body in spoiler tags and/or have "SPOILER" in the title of the thread.

You are the jackass for not following the rules.


It's not my thread *beep* And it's very simple. If you haven't seen the movie and you're gonna cry spoiler, don't stroll your way into something that says "Great movie...but one thing." Even if you think that one thing is gonna be about the OP talking about his dinner he ate while watching the movie... pissant.


Don't worry. This movie is as weak as its 5.9 rating, so you he hasn't spoiled anything.



Maybe, just maybe, they didn't want the extra work of 'merging' with (You can't get to the latter from the former -- well, not easily anyway -- but both are real.) That's why Alice visits the site, to get some info on missing persons, which she would not find on AFP's real website.

And no, I'm not gonna bother with the spoiler alert because it's such an insignificant scene which has nothing to do with the rest of the movie. At least that's how I remember it.


The Steve Irwin film "Crikey" features the "Australian Police" which don't exist.

It is a crime to impersonate police, and they might need special permission to refer to a real force. But it is confusing for Australians to have references to the FPA.
