MovieChat Forums > Wish You Were Here (2013) Discussion > What is the name of that rap song playin...

What is the name of that rap song playing in the club?

In the club there is a rap song playing by the DJ. Can someone give me the name of the DJ and the song he was playing? Find it in youtube maybe? Thank you.


shazam it?


Sounds very much like The Hilltop Hoods.


Recapturing the Vibe - Hilltop Hoods. Here's a link to their song on YouTube for anyone still wondering.


Thank you very much guys. Didn't think someone was actually going to answer this. :)


The most difficult band question I have ever asked was the adolescent looking rap duo in the vampire Yakuza nightclub in the first "Blade". Unfortunately I never found anything great by them after finding out who they were. Presently checking out "Hilltop Hoods". (Tsotsi is another movie with decent international rap/hip hop. That eventually led me to Die Antwoord and Jack Parrow.) Its a brave new world. :-)
