MovieChat Forums > Wish You Were Here (2013) Discussion > Confused about...(spoilers)

Confused about...(spoilers)

Ok one thing I didn't get was, what was the box at the end about? It showed the sniffer dogs barking at the box and the guys pulling it out to look at it, wasn't sure what was going on here?

I also wondered if Steph knew what happened to Jeremy or just Dave? Great movie!

Anyone who can help me? :)


The guy who got killed in Cambodia was importing drug concealed inside the little elephants. I guess that was his last "shipping".


As already posted obviously the trinkets contained drugs thus the reason he "bought them for $2 and sold them for $10" as he bragged while on the holiday. I think it was pretty clear at the end that Dave and Alice went to both the sister and the dead guys parents and told them what happened in Cambodia as only Dave knew the true story.


Great, thanks for the prompt replies! I thought that was the case! Good movie!


What happened to the baby was it still in hospital?


I was under the impression that she had miscarried


I think the baby was OK but premature thus requiring a longer than normal hospital stay. Remember they showed a smaller than average baby in an "incubator" type crib. Later the mother mentions in conversation about her having to spend time at the hospital and that the kids would be best with her mother.

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


I believe the baby was still in the hospital but would be coming home after she was well enough, to the new home into which the family/Alice moved. (Please see my question about that above.)

They even talked about the baby by name, I believe: Gracie. So she is probably named Grace. I guess that goes all right with Holly and Max.


I was a little unclear about that, too. I do agree that they may have contained drugs because of the dog. I wondered if there was a sentimental nod to Steph because she liked the elephants, although I think after she wasted her money on one (is that right?) Jeremy then revealed he was already importing them. I did wonder, too, if the dog was just interested in the box because it had Jeremy's smell on it, and they were looking for him ... or any pieces of him, not knowing his fate yet. And, again, I wondered if the elephants might have showed his liking for Steph after his death.

Yes, I agree that Alice and Dave told Steph and Jeremy's parents his fate. If they really did that with the parents, though, it would have been a very brave fate because that father was broken up and I can imagine him going to the police, which would not have been a good thing for Alice and Dave. We can only imagine that they had faith that the parents would be reasonable despite their great loss and keep things to themselves. It seemed from a moment when Alice and Dave were moving into their/her new home that the police tried to contact them and they sloughed them off, and Alice for once kept quiet. She was apparently all right finally with not telling the police anything they didn't need to know ... I think because she finally had all the facts herself.

My question is: was the whole family moving into the new place, or just Alice and the kids with Dave's help? Well, it's probably a moot point because you could feel there was a lot of love there and Alice probably would ultimately not have wanted to lose Dave. But anyone in the know on that?


Think you missed where dave and the cop go out on the balcony and he says something along the lines of, "before I say anything further, I want protection for me and my family." To me, at least, that clearly indicates Dave came clean with everyone. (Alice, Steph, the Kings, the authorities)

Not as explicitly indicated, but in my view very heavily implied, as that after coming clean and reestablishing a bond of trust, the flannery family stayed together.
