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good show though, but i'm not buying that it was set in the 80's, seems too forced, all they are using are songs referencing the 80's.. i think they could do much better job by making the whole 80's thing more believable..


As somebody who went to college in the 1980s, I feel a little obligated to point out that not everybody in the 1980s dressed like a extra for a Wham video!

To me, if they went over-board with the day-glow and other nonsense, it would take away from the show.


My main problem is things like the hairdos. Neither the guys or the girls are right. Where's the mohawks, spikes, hairspray, gel, bangs, etc. Plus little things like the girl asking for her loofah the other night. No one used those in 1986!!



And the scene in Caddyshack where Ted Knight's wife asks for her's.



With smoking you are spot on. I would have been one the people smoking while walking between classes. But when I was in college (1986 - 90), most of the buildings were non-smoking, but the quads and outside areas were where most of the smokers hung out.

The beer thing back then probably depended on the school and the state. My college had a pub in the student union where beer was available, but you had to drink it in the pub.



It's like they aren't even trying to give the impression that it is 1986 anymore. (I was 9 in '86 and believe me, this is not what the vibe of the 80's were like; 1986 was much cheesier/weirder than anything on this show)



Another great post from brutony! :)

We wore Keds tennis shoes, I'm from the south/midwest and we wore bows in our hair with our ponytails (NOT side ponytails, *shudder*)miniskirts...denim, acid washed, and the minis then were maybe an inch above the knees. The only neon I remember wearing was a bathing suit. Guess jeans with zippers at the ankles. T-shirts with shoulder pads...shoulder pads with everything! We wore nylon shorts with our sorority letters on the @ss, not sure why we did that, LOL! Big, huge hair!!! Christie's hair is too flat.

