Unfunny stoner guy

The Stankowki character was NOT funny at all! Its the 80s, couldn't they have atleast ripped off Jeff Spicoli or Cheech and Chong?


I think they were going for a character based more in reality with Stankowski.I'm not a stoner but I used to hang out with some friends.When they were stoned,they were mello,paranoid,said and did silly stupid things,thought about anything was funny, and what Stankowski was known for thinking very deep thoughts.I love Cheech & Chong but they're just comedians paroding stoners,I doubt that they're even stoned when they write their material.I think that people that get stoned try emulate Cheech & Chong so they can seem more funny to other people.The scenes from That 70's Show were some what more funny,but maybe stoned people are alot more funny in larger groups.You also got to take in to fact that about about every encounter with Stankowski was like 1on1,Stankowski was playing up the guru angle too,because he had been there for along time,I don't think that he really wanted to move out of the frat house.I was around some frats and the impression that I got is that you could only stay in the frat house a certian amount of time and then it was like a lottery to determine who stayed there,so they could make room for the new rushes to move into the frat house and experience the brotherhood up close.If there was a season two,my guess is that we would have seen the main characters that were rushes move into the frat house.I hate that this show got canceled,that's the problem with shorter seasons,it doesn't have enough time to generate the interest so people will watch and pass the word about the show.TV studios depend too much on that Video-On-Demand crap.The same thing happened to Terriers on FX.TV studios think they're saving money by not making longer seasons with like 22 episodes but they're really making the show less watchable and more susceptible to cancellation.More people are liable to buy longer seasons more than shorter seasons,people want to get their money's worth.Unfortunately now everything is about saving and making more money,shorter seasons usually cost like 3/4s what a regular season costs,that's alot to pay per episode.I think we can expect newer shows getting canceled alot more in the future until TV studios learn a lesson from it and we got to suffer for their mistakes.


He was never paranoid, just made goofy noises with his unfunny statements in his annoyingly high pitched voice.

Tommy Chong paroding a stoner, please, this man is the epitome of a stoner,100%. He has been arrested many times for pot possession even served prison time, openly and proudly admits to smoking pot, and is one of the most vocal celebrities for the legalization of pot. Most of their material is improvised and was taken from some instance when they were stoned.

I gave this show a chance and even though week after week it got worse, stuck with it til the end with some hope that maybe it would get better, it didn't. The last thing this show needed was 12 more episodes. Its ratings were generally half of the TBS show 'Are we there yet?'- now thats bad.

Generally, half hour sitcoms/comedys or hour long network dramas get the 22 episode treatment. There first mistake was making a college comedy 1 hour long, after a couple episodes this was like 'American Pie presents American Pie: The Series'.

Most all hour long cable shows have short seasons (10-13 episodes) that sometimes prove to be very successful (Sopranos, Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, ) then again these arent comedies.


I wasn't sure about how much was being drawn from actual experiences of Cheech & Chong but I did say that they were probably not high when they wrote their material.A thesaurus meaning to parody is to copy,especially in an EXAGGERATED or mocking way.


I don't know Cheech and Chong personally so I don't know if they were under the influence of marijuana while writing their material. However, its not surprising if they were high, even then I'm sure they could come up with some very funny material as the ability to think is still intact while high on marijuana.


WTF is this wall of text?


Stoner characters are a cheap, cheap way for directors/writers to get the idiot "omg he said munchies! AHAHAHAHAH" crowd.

When will they put a real person that smokes weed and is perfectly normal?


Yeah, that guy was annoying as *beep* I actually didn't think this show was that bad, but the stoner character, yeah he was completely lame. The guy playing him looked like Tom Green wearing a long hair wig ugh and his *beep* voice was so annoying.


He wasn't supposed to be the haha funny kind of stoner, he's supposed to be the kind of stoner who's always chill and relaxed and into herbs and all that.


You're right he wasn't supposed to be funny and guess what, he wasn't the least bit funny or entertaining.

Poor man's Tom Green


I think its just a case of maybe the humour wasn’t geared correctly for the American population. I’m British (not English) and all my friends that have seen this program have agreed that the stoner is the funniest and best character. I think the humour was possibly a little bit too subtle or tongue in cheek for the targeted population. If you are making a comedy for a British public that’s fine but American population tend to be more at home with "in your face" comedy or "dick and fart" jokes.


American population tend to be more at home with "in your face" comedy or "dick and fart" jokes

I guess being a brit you know exactly what americans like?




what there weren't any genital or "gay" jokes in the UK version of The Office? They even bought props with a vibrator and inflatable dong.


I'm not a Brit but totally agree with you. I think the "Oracle" was hilarious, as did the rest of my family, and he was the best character on the show.


You, my friend, are a disgrace to mankind. Stankowski has forever changed my life. He is without doubt the funniest TV character I have ever encountered. You must be miserable if you cannot appreciate this man. Lighten up.


Forever changed your life? This show stunk and this character added to its demise.


your an idiot


It's Chris D'elia.
Chill out guys, its just an opinion; Albeit a long one.
