Pres. Reagan and AIDS

Well, at least this movie did not propagate the lie that Reagan never mentioned AIDS until 1987 (something author Larry Kramer has stated on numerous occasions). But why did the movie have to give the impression that Reagan reduced AIDS spending in 1986? Why does the gay left keep trying to vilify this man? Notice at the end of the movie they CORRECTLY state that Reagan first mentioned AIDS in 1985 (most gay activists lie about this and say he never mentioned it until 1987--a Dartmouth professor still insists that this is the case) but then the movie states that Reagan's proposed 1986 budget cut AIDS spending by 11 percent. Yet they neglect to point out that Reagan's ACTUAL budget (not "proposed") INCREASED spending on AIDS every year he was in office. In 1985 federal AIDS spending was $205 million. In 1986 it was $508 million. That is more than DOUBLE the previous year's. So WHY did this movie end telling us about PROPOSED AIDS spending under Reagan? Why didn't it just tell us what the ACTUAL SPENDING was in 1986? Why must they rely on playing with the facts??
Here are the FACTS about Reagan and AIDS:

As part of his policy of supposed inaction, Ronald Reagan signed $5.73 billion in U.S.-government anti-AIDS outlays. That’s $10.6 billion in today’s dollars. Indeed, Reagan’s signature inaugurated federal action on AIDS research and treatment.

Federal anti-AIDS spending grew dramatically throughout Reagan’s term. The $8 million that Reagan approved in 1982 rocketed to $2.3 billion in 1989. The average annual increase in federal expenditures on HIV/AIDS under Reagan was 128.92 percent. If he had been happy to watch gays succumb to AIDS, he surely could have kept that growth rate somewhere south of 125 percent.

The FACTS regarding AIDS spending are here:


So the idiot Reagan only waited 4 years to mention the word AIDS. No action for four years and ignoring the growing epidemic.


Only 4 years instead of 6?
Wow...what a hero.

Obamacare is going to be repealed well in advance of next year's election. - Big_Zeke


Exactly! I can not stand people who worship that guy! And what's worse is they do it with blinders on!

Yep...he was some hero!

Remember the magic words: "Please", "Thank you" and "Step off bitch!"


I can't stand STUPID people!

In 1985 Reagan said, "It's been one of the top priorities with us, and OVER THE LAST FOUR YEARS, and including what we have in the budget for '86, it will amount to over a half a billion dollars that we have provided for research on AIDS in addition to what I'm sure other medical groups are doing."

He also remarked, "Yes, there's no question about the seriousness of this and the need to find an answer."

Annual AIDS related funding was $44 million when he took office and was $1.6 billion in 1988, an increase of over 1000 percent.

And by the way, in 1981 AIDS was not yet identified and in fact was referred to as a "rare cancer" found in 41 (that's right FOURTY ONE!) gay men. Certainly not something for the President of the USA to be concerned about.
It was not until July of 1982 that the term AIDS was even PROPOSED to describe the illness. Various names for the illness included pneumocystis pneumonia and GRID. It was not until December of 1982 that the CDC defined what AIDS was. And it was not until 1984 that a probable cause for AIDS is related to the HIV virus. By the end of 1985 (you know, the year that Reagan first mentioned AIDS) only 15,000 Americans had acquired the illness.



And by the way, in 1981 AIDS was not yet identified and in fact was referred to as a "rare cancer" found in 41 (that's right FOURTY ONE!) gay men. Certainly not something for the President of the USA to be concerned about.
It was not until July of 1982 that the term AIDS was even PROPOSED to describe the illness. Various names for the illness included pneumocystis pneumonia and GRID. It was not until December of 1982 that the CDC defined what AIDS was. And it was not until 1984 that a probable cause for AIDS is related to the HIV virus. By the end of 1985 (you know, the year that Reagan first mentioned AIDS) only 15,000 Americans had acquired the illness.

You truly wrote this with the intent of making Reagan come off as good? "It only took 15,000 people to die until the President acknowledged the mystery illness that had been reported on for four years!" Wow, I wonder how anyone could question his saintliness!


Uh, 15,000 people dying of what was considered to be a form of either cancer or pneumonia would hardly be a blip on the gaydar, and was NOT for most Americans. What percentage of 250,000,000 is 15,000?

Stop using hindsight about what we know now to condemn people's lack of concern. Hindsight is 20/20.


But, 7 people died from Tylenol and that became a newsworthy subject? And worthy of government funding? I understand why, of course. Tylenol is an OTC pain reliever that people trust. But, AIDS was killing more and more back then, and should have received more funding. Once heterosexuals started getting it, and then Ryan White and Arthur Ashe got it from tainted blood, then people started to really, really care. It was a stigma of the gay community, and people have a thing against gays. It is called homophobia.

Greg Louganis, Olympic gold medalist, gay and has AIDS, stated in his book that while it was a thrill to meet the presidents (GHWBush was the other) he wished that they had been more involved in the fight against AIDS. They did do some, but not as much as today. That is why AIDS patients are living longer. Look at Magic Johnson and Greg himself.


Umm, you didn't mention that the 1982 Tylenol incident involved deliberately tainted Tylenol capsules, ie, it was murder. There was nothing wrong with the acetaminophen itself. That's why it was newsworthy.

You might more accurately compare it to the government response to the Legionaire's Disease incident of 1976, where all the governments' big guns immediately jumped onto finding out what killed 29 middle aged veterans.

I'm not defending the government or Reagan, I just like for people to know the whole story.

I only have one person on ignore, but I've had to ignore him 625 different times.




Annual AIDS related funding was $44 million when he took office and was $1.6 billion in 1988, an increase of over 1000 percent.

The fallacy in that claim has been pointed out so many times, you're either being wilfully ignorant or don't actually know as much about the subject as you pretend.

Your figures are derived from a statement issued by Reagan's PR-spinners to head off criticism when it got too loud. In fact, the funding for AIDS wasn't increased at all, and *did* diminish. But Reagan's professional gabble-doctors reasoned that, since AIDS patients often developed types of cancer and pneumonia and parasitic diseases, then any developments in those fields *could* peripherally benefit AIDS patients as well, so they lumped all the funding for those fields together and, for the sake of this statement, claimed it was "AIDS funding".

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Right, it would be better to have a president who talks about acting but never does than one who just acts.

What a foolish way of thinking you subscribe to.

I was born in the house my father built


Reading comprehension issues?


Reagan acted like he was a great President when in fact he wasn't. I also hate hearing how he "was so respectful of the oval office that he always wore a suit when he was in that office". Lets get a few things straight here

1) Reagan was part of a generation that would always dress up for work and would wear a suit going out to dinner or a movie.
2) Has anybody ever seen a President in the oval office not wearing a suit?
3) Reagan was a homophobic jerk. He brought religion into politics and created a divided nation because of it.


Ronald Reagan was most certainly NOT homophobic. You are uneducated. I have studied this president as part of my graduate studies in American history. Firstly, he was a actor and as such has many friends in Hollywood who were known to him and others in the industry to be gay (but not known to the public). If you read his diaries and his other writings and read those of people who knew him you will find many examples of his accepting homosexual people. In short, he had absolutely nothing against gays.

Secondly, President Reagan was not particularly religious. He was not raised in a religious tradition. His mother and father made a decision to NOT raise Reagan and his brother in any religion but to let the boys decide for themselves which faith to belong to when they became mature. As he matured, he adopted his mother's Protestant faith (whereas his brother adopted his father's Irish Catholic tradition). But Reagan was absolutely not a "holy roller". Jimmy Carter, by contrast, was really religious and tended to inject his faith in Government.

Lastly, Reagan's platform did not include the social issues. His platform was economics and foreign policy.

Try reading. Books are good things. Read many different sides even.


He was to. Why don;t you read other books that are not written by Bill O'Rielly or other FOX NEWS jerks.

For the record I read on average 6 books a month..


Or, instead of reading about Reagan in books, actually talk to a gay man over the age of 50 who was young and active during the Reagan regime. What really woke Ronnie up on the AIDS crisis was Nancy, who did have quite a few gay Hollywood friends. When a few of them starting dying from sarcomas and pneumonia, when it became personal to the Reagans and some other Republicans, that's when the government started working hard. Rock Hudson dying was critical, and I don't want to sound ghoulish or unsympathetic. It opened up a lot of peoples' eyes.

I was in probably the 5th or 6th grade when I first heard of AIDS, and by the time I was in middle school, there was some serious fear that we would all be dead the minute we got laid for the first time. I didn't know any openly gay people at the time, but we all assumed it would cross over to heterosexuals soon enough. Ryan White was a year younger than me, so his case really hit home with me and a lot of kids. We knew so little about it's spread, and there was really no treatment at the time. There wasn't an HIV test, so they couldn't test donated blood or anything.


Well, yes and no. Rock Hudson galvanized a lot of decent but otherwise lazy people into some kind of response. For Reagan himself, Hudson was just another drop in the bucket of a long day at work taking a nap (when he wasn't blathering over welfare mothers driving Cadillacs). What Reagan did have was Roy Cohn, discredited as he was. Cohn still had very powerful friends, especially powerful friends with great sums of money. Reagan was able to get Cohn into the earliest AZT trials, against NIH policy, and of course AZT turned out to be useless, believe me I was there, and Cohn died and Reagan went back to sleep. Overall, he was about as bad a president as one could have had at the beginning of an epoch-defining crisis for a minority, but I doubt Obama would have been any better. I hate to say this, but Bush Jr. would have been vastly more interested in our welfare at that historical moment then Reagan.


That makes no sense. "Bill O'Rielly" or the "FOX NEWS jerks" play down those realities about Reagan and his relative social liberalism. That's the one part of the real Reagan that the conservatives who worship him desperately try to ignore. But it is reality.

Look up Reagan's public position and editorial on the Briggs Initiative.


I thought he had a really poor relationship with his gay son, no?


"Reagan was a homophobic jerk."


I can provide evidence that he was NOT homophobic.

In 1978, Prop. 6 was an initiative in CA put forth to ban homosexuals from teaching in schools. 55% of Californians supported the measure...until former Governor (and presumptive presidential candidate) Ronald Reagan came out against the measure. He even wrote an op.ed. condemning it. His condemnation of Prop. 6 caused support for it to erode and it did not pass.

Why am I the only one in this thread using FACTS to back up what I say???


His HHS Secretary called it a “top priority” in 1983, when the disease was so new that few people even understood what was happening. AIDS funding skyrocketed in the 1980s, almost doubling each year beginning in 1983 -- when the media started blaring headlines -- from $44 million to $103 million, $205 million, $508 million, $922 million, and then $1.6 billion in 1988.

So funny seeing these left-wing clowns trying to play monday morning quarterback 30 years later.


His HHS Secretary called it a “top priority”......

So funny seeing these left-wing clowns trying to play monday morning quarterback 30 years later.

I think the most disconcerting aspect of the AIDS virus and medical funding that was required to research into it; is that if it wasn't initially rife amongst the "homosexual" community, would it have been seen as such a stigma, regardless of which side of the fence, ones politics are?


Yes, these left-wingers are truly clowns. They never know the facts, they never read, they are truly the "low information" voters. It gets so tiresome trying to school them.


Well I am glad Reagan lost his mind.


It wasn't until Rock Hudson died of AIDS that anybody in power took notice/action, unfortunately :(


'It wasn't until Rock Hudson died of AIDS that anybody in power took notice/action, unfortunately :('
Really, Rock was the timeline?
Maybe those in power were expecting the self-inflicted AIDS victims to take notice.action of themselves.
You know, like those getting drunk, then electing to drive so they can feel afflicted when they later have a car crash.


Maybe those in power were expecting the self-inflicted AIDS victims to take notice.action of themselves.

It was a wake up call for the safe practice of gay sex; however, I would say much of the initial attitude and reaction towards AIDS—when it first appeared on the scene—was more to do with prejudice, ignorance and lack of empathy. When babies and "straight" people started getting infected, that is when the alarm bells rang the loudest.


Ronald Reagan was not responsible for the death of gay men.

Gay men who sucked other men's dicks and shoved their dicks into other men's asses are responsible for the death of gay men.



Also, many problems - including AIDS, hunger, extreme poverty, extreme inequality between genders etc - would be solved if the poorest people on this planet just stopped having sex/procreating. Can you see that happening?


'Also, many problems - including AIDS, hunger, extreme poverty, extreme inequality between genders etc - would be solved if the poorest people on this planet just stopped having sex/procreating.'
and all problems would be solved if the planet never existed, but nobody is suggesting that people should stop having sex/procreating. I don't understand what you mean. Is anal sex that impossible to abstain from?
(this is excluding those infected by other means other than sex, or heterosexuals who became infected indirectly)

In other words, if you know putting your hand over a gas flame will be unpleasant, you don't do that deliberate impulsive act /risk.


No, indeen I am suggesting that. Decent birth control - even if men just stopped raping in places where that is rampant, you can't say it's a basic "male need" - would be a great first step in solving many many problems. As it is, it's a goal for the future, not the present.

Besides, most of the men in this play most likely already were carrying HIV long before "just stop having sex" (is this easy for men, gay or straight? I thunk clearly not) came along. Were they supposed to be savants, and knkw everything beforehand?


How can they be responsible for a disease unknown during that time?


I was about ten when Rock Hudson died, and let me tell you, public awareness went from zero to sixty in one day. People just weren't talking about AIDS in the mainstream, only people in the gay community, doctors and journalists were trying to do something about it.

Arthur Ashe, Elisabeth Glaser and Ryan White caught it through blood transfusions, so mainstream USA just got panicky about blood banks, but they weren't thinking about a possible epidemic. They assumed those were just unlucky people.

I had a teacher when I was a sophomore in high school (in 1990) who developed AIDS, and while a few of us suspected that's what he had (sarcoma was everywhere, he had a cough, lost weight and missed a lot of class), most kids in the class bought his stories about the spots on his hands being acid burns (he taught chemistry). Everybody suspected he was gay before that, yet only a few of us put two and two together.

This was five years after Rock Hudson and the mainstream pop still didn't really know much about the disease. At that time, most people still thought you could catch it from drinking out of the same glass. They didn't know the difference between HIV and AIDS? One year later - when Magic Johnson announced he had HIV - that was the real game changer.

And these neocons can spin it all they like, but I vividly remember as preteen that I was super angry Ronny wouldn't address the AIDS issue or give funds. Bush was a little better, but only bc the situation had gotten out of control by then. Even hetero chicks like me were petrified they would get it in the early 90's and got tested every six months.

Obviously, the terror wasn't the same for straights as it was for gays, but the early 90's was also the age of heroin, so lots of straight male users were giving HIV to their girlfriends. I knew a girl who died that way. Lots grunge bands lost a member to IV drug caught AIDs. Hetero users catching snd spreading helped the disease reach critical mass, and that's sadly the most likely reason the government finally stepped in. When it was only gay men, nobody cared.

Okay, this is turning into a book, but I just wanted to say that as somebody who lived through Reagan's AIDS non-policy, this OP is really out of touch. He can spout numbers all he likes, but it was an absolute *beep* before Rock Hudson and especially Magic Johnson. I remember the desperation.

Thank God for Elizabeth Taylor spreading the word to the public. She was the best PR machine and wonderful at raising research funds.


Sorry, OPIE: your hero was a zero in this regard (in others, as well, but let's keep on topic). Millions of dollars were immediately appropriated for 7 Tylenol-related deaths (the reason we now have over-the-counter medications which are so hermetically sealed and difficult to open) and millions more for what was called Legionaire's Disease, which also featured very few actual fatalities.

The indisputable fact is, thousands and thousands and thousands of gay men and many others died truly horrific deaths while Reagan mentioned NOTHING in public about it. For years. He was a man of power and influence who became, finally, one of those prompted to mention the word after his personal friend Rock Hudson died of the disease and shocked too many complacent Americans out of their denial.

Thank you, thank you--you're most kind. In fact you're every kind.


"thousands and thousands and thousands of gay men and many others died truly horrific deaths while Reagan mentioned NOTHING in public about it. For years"

Sorry, but the FACTS prove you WRONG! When Reagan became President only 41 cases of the mysterious "cancer" had been documented. In 1984 less than 6,000 people had died from the illness. That deflates your "thousands and thousands and thousands" doesn't it?


I agree with your facts, but the bigger problem was that he wanted to do nothing for a group of people he ignored. I'm sure he knew gay actors, and he was aware of many things being the president. Your facts are great, it was his lack of humanity that bothers so many.
I will admit I believed the hype. I thought he only got involved because of the blood contamination. But could he ever do enough, no. The country didn't accept homosexuality, it was tolerated. Because that was the loudest voice heard. So if it took its natural course to be identified, combined with people who were fighting for their identity and dignity, a perfect storm.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


A group of people were dying and Reagan did not say anything. Those are the facts. I bet if a bunch of old, white, wealthy males were dying unexplicably he would have acknowledged it.


"A group of people were dying and Reagan did not say anything. Those are the facts."

Yeah, MADE UP facts! Reagan spoke of the AIDS crisis NUMEROUS times during his two terms in office. I can PROVE it. Can you prove your assertion?



I remember those times and I remember people screaming for Reagan to speak up about it for a long long time. It wasn't until after Hudson died that RR spoke the word "AIDS".


That is factually inaccurate.




Okay, but you'll never know how many gay men and drug users, who officially died of cancer or pneumonia, were actually AIDS victims. Many of them probably didn't even realize they'd died from AIDS. It's impossible to quantify the number of cancer and pneumonia deaths that resulted from AIDS when there was no HIV test for the specific virus at the time (and nobody even knew for sure it was a virus).

Also, plenty of gay men were closeted then and might have lied about how they developed cancer so their deaths wouldn't have been reported as AIDS-related. I'd wager the actual numbers of AIDS victims back then was triple what we think.


Amen. Reagan's contributions are doing this country in even 30 years later


Riiiight.. because 4 years of prosperity under Bush and 8 years under Clinton and a major economic recovery under Bush 2 after 9/11 was just a fluke. All of that prosperity was just a big red herring all caused by that evil Reagan. Gawd, I hate historical revisionists.


4 years of prosperity under Bush I? Why do you think he got thrown out? Talk about revisionism. And don't even think about blaming Perot for the loss. Clinton was trouncing Bush in the polls before Perot got in the race. If anything, Perot cost Clinton a landslide election.

And Bush II? He inherited a unemployment rate of 4.8% from Clinton and handed Obama an 8.7% unemployment rate that was still rising.


Bush I?? LOL? Seriously, this must be a young guy or something. I remember being in a massive recession for four years in the 90's and having to ration gasoline bc it got too expensive. Where does he think the grunge music movement came from? Everybody was so depressed and angry it spurred an entire musical genre.

The funny thing is, it wasn't actually Bush I's fault the economy was in the crapper, because he inherited the rebound effect from Reagans trickle down economics failure. Also, Reagan left the table before the bill arrived for the Cold War expenses (remember the 'Star Wars' defense program that tanked?), so Bush got caught and had to pay the trillion dollar check.


I remember about 3 year stretch under Bush 2 where gas rose to over $4.00 a gallon here. Insane. Now its close to $2.00. Bush was one of the worst things to happen to Americans in the last 30 years besides 9/11 and the mismanagement of Katrina. Both of which occurred under Bush 2's watch as well.


There were ONLY 7 Tylenol-related deaths because the manufacturer pulled it off shelves IMMEDIATELY. People understand how poison works. They didn't know how AIDS worked.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


Sorry MILLI. The Legionaire's outbreak occurred in 1976 when Ford was president; the Tylenol case involved a criminal investigation to find the person who tainted the pills with poison and the recall of the product.

Most Americans in 1980 were totally unaware of terms like fisting, rimming, filching etc. and were appalled and repulsed when they learned what gays were doing to each other.

I only have one person on ignore, but I've had to ignore him 625 different times.



Because Victim-hood mentality and blaming someone else for their misery caused due to their own behavior are common feature of Left leaning people

Many of these people even believed that virus of AIDS was "invented" in Lab by right wing American to wipe of Blacks race and gays .

Geogre W. Bush had done so much for AIDS people but have you ever seen left leaning people praising him for this particular work??No.

Also these days there is so much awareness about AIDS is available still AIDS disease is prevalent among gay men .Why?Because of same irresponsible sexual behavior of gay men due to which they were effected in 1980s.

Too bad they don't have any scapegoat this time

sorry for my bad English


sorry for my bad English

Your English is perfectly fine, so congrats on that. It's your point of view that's so off-kilter as to seem ... well ... disturbed.

Thank you, thank you--you're most kind. In fact you're every kind.


Where is he wrong?


'Your English is perfectly fine, so congrats on that. It's your point of view that's so off-kilter as to seem ... well ... disturbed'
No, his point of view is not off-kilter because you think a preventable disease should be our priority. Try cancer.

And how topical with the left wing/ right wing rhetoric---the point is to refrain from anal-sex, whether you're obsessed with this sexual activity or not. Why should I sympathize with those who can prevent(excluding those accidetally infected) their disease when there are diseases that cannot be prevented? because you're so self-involved?

I know, everybody must either be 'left wing/ right wing', as if people are robots.


Why should I sympathize with those who can prevent(excluding those accidetally infected) their disease when there are diseases that cannot be prevented?
By that logic, you shouldn't sympathize with anyone who smokes and gets lung cancer.

"This guy just telephoned a psycho-killer to come down and psycho-kill us!"


"Geogre W. Bush had done so much for AIDS people but have you ever seen left leaning people praising him for this particular work??No."

GW Bush should have received the Nobel Peace Prize for his initiative to fight AIDS in Africa. But he did not get it because he is a Conservative. But they gave it to Barack Obama for doing NOTHING.


So the fact that millions of straight people have also contracted this disease would be just because of their "irresponsible" behavior too? Or is it only irresponsible if you're gay?

As to people who believe that AIDS was invented in a lab, that's a small fringe group of people so pretending that this is a common "left leaning" belief is just making stuff up. Educated people understand where it came from and how it spread. What is so appalling and worth remembering is the way some people ignored the growing threat simply because it seemed to be contained to the gay population. It wasn't until straight people and celebrities contracted it that real efforts went into figuring it out.

And I don't care how people get it. When my fellow human beings are suffering, I care. I don't sit in judgment of what I perceive to be their "irresponsibility" and just let them die.


Always shocked me how he took so long to acknowledge it, since many of his and Nancy's Hollywood "friends' were gay. But at that time, many were in denial about the epidemic.


The truth is George W. Bush let cheap generic versions of AIDs drugs be sold in Africa on the condition that cheap generic drugs for AIDS could never be sold in the US. It was a deal with Big Pharma who wanted to keep their American profit margins insanely high. Bush salved his horrific legacy that includes 9/11, 2 wars, Katrina, and the 2008 financial collapse by helping African AIDS victims whilst selling out American citizens with AIDS to be gouged by Big Pharma for the rest of their lives.

At least there will be plenty implied.


George W. Bush was not responsible for the 2008 financial collapse. I'd have to explain it all to you have I have not energy for it. My goodness, the ignorance on this board is scary.

Also the 2 wars? Voted on by Congress.


My goodness, the ignorance on this board is scary.

What I find scary and ignorant, is political beliefs playing a part in people's opinions and bias, when acting in the best interests of "humanity", is much more important; regardless of whether one leans right or left. This applies to the Reagan administration, as well.


'What I find scary and ignorant, is political beliefs playing a part in people's opinions and bias, when acting in the best interests of "humanity", is much more important; regardless of whether one leans right or left.'
I really don't get it. On every board(and probably every cocktail party), the conversation will eventually be about right or left.

In other words, it sounds like people are programmed to either bring that up as a reflex, or they really think it's: "let's see, I am right-wing, so I must think this..".
Or does it just sound intellectual to mention it?


Well, this particular issue is very polarizing, and there's not much point pretending that the Right ever brought anything helpful to bear on it, then or now. Objecting to peoples' reactions to that seems like bringing a sort of "false middle" to the question.


Well, this particular issue is very polarizing, and there's not much point pretending that the Right ever brought anything helpful to bear on it, then or now. Objecting to peoples' reactions to that seems like bringing a sort of "false middle" to the question.

Just had to see that one more time.

Just for the record:

Congress decides the budget, not the president. During Reagan's entire reign, both houses of Congress were controlled by their Democratic Party majorities.

SO: In this context, talking about Reagan's proposed budgets is what matters in determining the character of his (abysmally poor) response to the crisis. All Reagan ever did in this instance that was the least bit commendable was, he refrained from vetoing the entire budgets during those years.


The only thing Republicans have to bring to this thread is, it is indeed true that Dumbya, such a horrible president in so very many respects, was indeed pretty good on AIDS in Africa. Possibly better than Gore would have been-- on that one issue.

Oh, and also... When Rock Hudson was seeking admission (as an army veteran) to a US military hospital in France, somebody at the White House made a crucial phone call to the hospital which made all the difference in that instance.

Most everybody thinks it was Nancy. So do I.

Republicans are also entitled a few bragging rights to Reagan's Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, a moderate Republican whose response to the AIDS crisis was, shall we say, better than expected, and overall, pretty good.

In this instance, Reagan at least had enough sense to eventually, near the end of his reign, get out of the way, and let his Surgeon General do his job to the best of his ability.

"I don't deduce, I observe."


Who was reponsible then mysweetcat? Candidate Obama? LMAO. After 8 years of trickle down BS and Republican deregulation and tax breaks, we had the 2008 economic collapse. Care to dispute these facts? Partisan hack moron.

At least there will be plenty implied.


Sounds like you are in denial about the FACTS. 7,000 people with AIDS in 1984 is an "epidemic"??
How "long" did it take him to acknowledge AIDS? Gimme a number.


I was replying to IloveTay's assertion that George W. Bush "has done so much for people with AIDS." That is simply not true, as he made things worse for American citizens with AIDS by cutting a deal with Big Pharma to never allow cheaper meds in the USA.

I really can't comment about the Reagan stuff. The movie speaks for itself as do others like "And the Band Played On." But I'll leave it to the other posters here who actually remember and can answer you.

At least there will be plenty implied.


Did you live back then? I was there. Reagan did nothing.


" Reagan did nothing. "

Prove it.



I noticed that NO ONE in this thread has addressed the fact that, at the end of this movie, the producers included a blurb about Pres. Reagan's PROPOSED spending on AIDS in 1986, but they said nothing of the ACTUAL budgeted AIDS spending in 1986 (UP more than 100% from 1985).

Why is that??


I was around in the 80s when all this stuff happened. So were a lot of people. Unfortunately, most gay men at the heart of the crisis who could speak most eloquently about it have died.

Reagan was an absolute coward on AIDS. His "proposed" 1986 budget cut AIDS funding ... the only reason the actual budget increased it is because outraged activists and democrats in congress pushed for more money. Reagan was no hero on this issue, he caved to the "moral majority" at every turn.

I used to be infuriated when people tried to re-write history to make Reagan into some kind of hero. I'm used to it by now. The facts speak for themselves, and anyone who was around at the time remembers it well.


"The facts speak for themselves"

And yet, people like you continually IGNORE them!

FACT: In Reagan's eight years in office, federal AIDS spending increased by over 1,000%.

Table 2: HHS Discretionary Funding for HIV/AIDS
($ in thousands)
FY1981 $200 --- ---
FY1982 5,555
FY1983 28,736
FY1984 61,460
FY1985 108,618
FY1986 233,793
FY1987 502,455
FY1988 962,018

These are FACTS pal, prove them wrong!


6-7 thousand deaths is indeed a large number. It was an illness with a mysterious cause. Let me tell you that if there was another illness that was believed responsible for 6000 or 7000 deaths people would be taking notice. In a fairly short period of time, several thousand died, many more infected.

Look at the near hysteria over MERS Co-V where many less have died, or SARS? Deaths from SARS were fewer than from AIDS. The recent H1N1 pandemic had the government swirling for mass immunizations etc.

AIDS was put on the back burner because it seemed to only affect a certain type of person. As long is it stayed with gays only, then the rush to fund it wasn't really needed because the large majority felt immune from the risk. Once it was determined that it could also be spread among straight men and women, and IV drug users, that is really when the money began to pour into it. And of course, children with AIDS drew in a ton more money. Ryan White, and Elizabeth Glazier and her daughter all brought so much more attention and acceptance to the cause.

If the virus had stayed with gay men, I still don't think it would have ever received much funding, even to this day.

Ironically, the best thing to happen to AIDS funding and research is when the virus made the jump to children, women, straight men.


Yes, Reagan comes off pretty bad here, as well he should. But nobody can call this a liberal bias because Ed Koch comes off even worse and he was a Democrat.

At least there will be plenty implied.


Jesse Helms was the evil bastard during this time, but Reagan didn't show the leadership of his conscience against bigots like him.


You are comparing pandemics of known diagnosed illnesses to something that was, at the time, completely unknown and was frequently referred to a "mystery cancer". AIDS (the term) did not even exist in Reagan's first years in office. And no, 6 to7 thousand deaths is NOT a large number. When compared to a population of 250 million you are talking about a tiny fraction of one percent.

"people would be taking notice"

Yet nobody really was. Oh yes, a small number of people, but AIDS was an unknown in the first few years of Reagan's presidency. The Pres. of the USA is supposed to address an illness that has affected less than .002 % of the US population, that has no agreed upon name (yet) and that 99.9% of the population is completely unaware of ?? REALLY? What you are doing is you are using hindsight to formulate your conclusion. You are concluding that because AIDS eventually became a "big thing" that Pres. Reagan should have addressed it earlier, even before it had a name.


We all have our passions and this disease may not be yours. But it was ignored by our government. Could they have slowed down the spread, possible. But this disease also had gay men ignoring the threat. Unwilling to give up the ground fought and won. I said it before, a perfect storm. You should rent "And The Band Played On". It's a telling story of who wanted to get there first, when an opportunity was presented.
AIDS should be a valuable lesson to teach us not to gamble, because we lost so much ground with this one. I understand the Orphan Drug policies and the greater good. But for contagious diseases, better care needs to be used. The word contagion is a red flag. It means death.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


"But it was ignored by our government."

How is BILLIONS of dollars in federal AIDS research in the 80s alone "ignoring"?


To me it's timing. Would it have helped to get money sooner, yes. So while we can pat ourselves on the back about what we did. We should be ashamed at how we did it. I'm a firm believer of better late than never. But when it's life and death, waiting is a coward's excuse.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


I'll quote Bill Curran, one of the CDC directors on your figures: "The government says it allocated $27 million for studies "relevant to AIDS. If they spend $13 million on the common cold they consider it "relevant to AIDS" because it involves the breakdown of the immune system."

How much of that money ACTUALLY went to AIDS research and policy?

I only have one person on ignore, but I've had to ignore him 625 different times.
