Did Erica have HIV?

The film seemed to imply that Erica was infected, but maybe I missed the line/scene that confirmed this.



I don't think she did.

They never actually say in the movie, but after the scene where Meredith commits suicide, he has that "hollow" realization. I think perhaps he sent Erica away because of his fear of attachment with someone and the fear that IF her test results turned out positive, it would be another person he had grown to love who died - another person he couldn't help (like his mother).

When he finds out that her results are negative, and after the devastating loss of Meredith, he goes to the foster home and the first smile of joy is seen on his face.

That's what I think, imho. ;)


thanks, rondine...that makes sense. i like that answer and i accept it.


Of course it's just supposition. I kind of like that he leaves it up to us to decide based on the actors and their behavior. It's like looking at art where it is what you take from it without any right or wrong answers. :)


Hey guys, i just finished watching the movie and i'm still blown away by it.
Anyway, what i think is that yes, she is HIV positive, otherwise why would the nurse ask for an urgent meeting? To tell him all is good and life is wonderful? I just can't buy it that way. Rondine, your way of building up events is soothing and comforting, but this movie was never intended to be so.
In my honest opinion, I think she is HIV positive, and that just reinforced Henry's conviction that we want to help but we ultimately fail and disappoint because the expectations tend to grow faster than reality, and I guess that happened with Meredith and Erica with Henry.
However, what I still can't understand is the faceoff with Henry and Christina Hendricks, when she accused him of touching Meredith, i mean why would he react like that, the model of the character that I built based upon the careful depiction of the movie predicts an utterly divergent behavior from the one that occured.
Does any of this make sense to you?


Maybe bit late with the answer but just saw the movie....The flashbacks and his mother's story implies incest. His grandfather was abusing his mother and maybe him also. (there is a reference that "my mother kept me safe by locking the door")
In my opinion, all this in early childhood left him very wary of physical touch. And even in the scene with Meredith, you can see he is not even hugging her back. When Sarah confronted him, he just flew off the handle as he can't stand the accusation of being a pedophile.

Hope that helps.
