MovieChat Forums > Stoker (2013) Discussion > Things I Learned from Stoker

Things I Learned from Stoker

1. Nicole Kidman falls for creepy men with unorthodox ideas about raising her offspring
2. Humans breed so that family wearables can be recycled by the impressionable next generation
3. You are doing it wrong if your cold shower does not have a happy ending
4. The secret ingredient of a highly erotic piano performance is … pervert spiders!
5. If a young child makes many angels on the ground enthusiastically, dig up the ground underneath as the little tyke is an obvious psychopath up to no good
6. Avoid french-kissing a hungry virgin
7. The best of education can be had in an institute for mental patients


8. All teenage boys are rapists.
9. Psychiatric patients are released on the day of their own choosing.
10. You can strangle someone in a telephone booth without anyone noticing.
11. Old ladies fit inside any freezer, no matter how many food items it already contains.
12. An already suspicious sheriff will not immediately jump back when he sees you grabbing a pair of garden scissors from the passenger seat.


I think it was just the head and not the entire old lady.
