Interesting movie!

I don't know why but I love movies like this. Mysterious and unpredictable. I also love these kind of introverted, silent and different characters. It just make it all the more interesting and Mia plays her character so well.

Do you guys think that India's father knew she was wierd already as a kid, and that's why he made her go hunting to sort of supress her killing intent somehow? I dunno, just a thought that struck me when they said that he went hunting for "her" sake.


That's an interesting point! I think perhaps he did take her hunting to suppress that instinct,but to also prepare her for the day she needed to use it on charlie,a s her father knew Charlie's dark character. Like her father knew that she may have had
killer tendencies, but hoped she might also have good in her enough, to protect herself or in the movies case her mother.
