19th wife-- great

the movie was terrific, a compelling mystery, and a fresh way to illuminate the plight of a woman living in a polygamist sect.


I agree. I can't understand how people can take that kind of abuse and continue to believe in a "prophet". who is obviously corrupt and threatens to kill those who cross him.


Point one. They have long hair so when they go to heaven, THEY CAN WASH THEIR HUSBAND'S FEET!!! (and she said this with a straight face).

Point Two. she had an option to leave and go with her son. She chose to go live with the sister wives and god knows who else. Probably the prophet will marry her too. Sick Sick Sick. How people think plural marriage is a way to go to heaven, should wake up and smell the coffee.

Ladies, the men are running the show. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young orchestrated this A LONG LONG TIME AGO. Every man just went along when he realized he could have all the women he wanted.

What man wouldn't go for this?

How dumb can some ladies be?

I'll never understand this.


I was watching TLC the other day and they showed a preview for a new show called, I believe, Sister Wives. I'm not sure I understand how they can put that on tv. Isn't polygamy against the law? I'm not pretending to know but I could have sworn it was.

All of my life, trying to understand... And I miss you and I love you. That's true - The Kooks



Oh my god, well, I believe they get around it by not saying they are legally married.

I can't wait to see this one.


I wasn't sure it was for real when I saw it. Then they said it was premiering Sunday. My jaw hit the floor. I guess that would make sense if they said they weren't legally married. I'm curious to see if these women are as robotic as the wives on The 19th Wife. I know that's a book/movie but you figure somewhere it has to have some truth to it.

All of my life, trying to understand... And I miss you and I love you. That's true - The Kooks


From what I've read, the people in Sister Wives aren't in a cult, and were not forced to marry Kody Brown. They chose a polygamous life, which is a completely different situation from what is featured in The 19th Wife.


A cult leader -- any cult leader -- will control the flow of information into the cult. Children are schooled within the compound by teachers chosen by the leader, and TV, radio, movies, Internet, books, newspapers and magazines are forbidden. The leader informs his followers only what he wants them to know. If the cult has a holy book, he manages to interpret it to support his own aggrandizement.

Women need their husbands' permission to leave the compound. If they do leave, vehicles' gas tanks are deliberately filled with only a couple of gallons at a time, just enough to let the members run their errands and return home. It's not enough for someone to use the vehicle to flee.

When this is the only way of life you and your family have known for generations, it's easy to become brainwashed.


I agree, I am going to move to Utah and FIND ME SOME WIVES!


An eye-opener. I enjoyed watching the sinister 'Prophet.'
