did anybody catch this?

In the lake scene, Tiffany mentioned to DG, "I think we're alone now" and I think a couple of other lines form their songs. I thought it was funny but good to an otherwise cheezy movie with extremely BAD CGI!



When the "I think we're alone now" bit came up, my wife actually stood up and left the room, saying to me "That did it. This movie is too stupid for me. Have fun."

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


LOL... Your wife and I think alike... I would have tapped out on that scene...

You people are the disease, but I've got the cure. ~Morgan on "Chuck"


Yes, that was great.


I know you're thread is really old, but only saw it tonight for first time, and best part of the whole film! The seriousness she when delivers the lines is just hilarious. 'In jokes' are the main reason I love B-movies and cheesy horror!


Also we have the "only in your dreams" before the catfight
