Only 5.1?

This movie deserves a higher rating.



Not really. There wasn't nearly enough in Alyce's life to push here as severely over the edge as she went in this movie.


Not much higher, really. It was too flat and the victims became sympathetic by the end. A few tweaks would have made it a solid 7.


I like the sympathetic victims. You want to know and understand what you're killing, otherwise it's just senseless and boring. And if there's one thing Alyce hates, it's cliche.


I think my problem with that part is that they didn't start out that way. They were all over-the-top douchebags, then suddenly we cared for them. Bad character arcs, I suppose, is the cause.


i didn't find them sympathetic at all, really. the longer they were on screen, the longer they annoyed me. i liked seeing her kill 'em all.


1 is a generous rating for this travesty of a film.


Actually 5.5 (the current rating) is a little too high for a self-indulgent film like Alyce. Too much vapid talking, too much gore, not enough character development, nor deepness, nor emotion to it. Too many flaws. I can see what they tried to do with this story, but the film didn't succeed. Had the potential to be better and more interesting; deserves only a 4/10 or a 5/10 in my opinion.

🐺 Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) 🐾

