Alyce vs. May

Who wins?




May for sure. She's funny and appears strangely naive and innocent. Even if you know she's a killer, you can understand her and even like her. Angela did a great job in that movie.
Alyce I did not like, she's to bitter and too cruel.


Alyce. May is good, but I liked Alyce better.


Yeah it really does come down to that May is far too nice to win a fight, I mean if I was gonna have to be killed I'd get May to end me the way she did Ana Faris just coz it seemed like a nice way to go =P

Also May is such a great in depth film that means, out with comments on which is better, I find Alyce more watchable in a disposable sense. She's a bit kick-ass.


May wins by T.K.O.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...



For me, its May hands down. Not that I didn't enjoy Alyce, because I did.


May is definitely better as a movie, less cliche, and more disturbing. The characters are more interesting and rounded.

As a character, Alyce seems more brutal, and the gore is definitely notched up. On the other hand, she doesn't seem quite as in control. May planned her killing spree out way more thoroughly than Alyce. May is more calculating and intelligent, even though she is more likable and easier to relate to than Alyce.

As to a hypothetical match between the two, it depends on the situation. If it were a matter of simple violence and physical strength, probably Alyce. Otherwise, May would probably get the upper hand.



By a landslide.

This film was just a turgid mishmash, nothing new here at all. A young woman who is already quite tipped goes over the edge completely, and hacks people up.

No twists, no backstory other than she was acting 'oddly' with her friend.
Dressing like her, etc.

Very disappointed, I thought there would be a cool ending given its reviews.
What was this 'great ending'???

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
