2 Hrs of TIHS

Tried to stand it, but it's unbearable.
One must have extremely boring everyday life to be able to at least partially enjoy this heap of BS.
It it weren't for the nice actor play of Hopkins, Jude and a couple of others I would've simply killed myself to save the unbearable drag of this wanna-be movie.


Your ability to see different methods of presenting film art is obvious by you're boredom.


Maybe functionally illiterate people like this crap...?


I agree with you, this was really really substandard filmmaking.
I've posted a warning in this thread..just to prevent this piece of crap from causing more harm!
Cheers mate!


In the future, I'm going to read comments such as yours before wasting almost 2 hours watching things like this on cable. I'm not a fan of ensemble movies anyway and this one proved no different from the rest of the pack. What a waste of Anthony Hopkins' talent.
