Making A Mean Girls 3

Hey , I Feel That They Should Really Make A Mean Girls 3 Mean Girls 1 and 2 was awesome , so why not make a new one ? Please reply, Ty :)


I am actually kind of hoping they do make a third one, but that they make it a 'true' sequel to the first movie.

And even if they don't bring the cast back (I can imagine them not wanting to bring back Lohan), at least bring back the original writer and director.

Also, they should cast better/older-looking actors for the third movie.


Stop trying to make Mean Girls 3 happen. Its not gonna happen

Marie:Hank lets watch 30 Rock tonight
Hank: Its 30 minerals Marie


They should really do a Mean Girls 3! And I've got a good idea for the new Plastics!

Briana Jungwirth as Kylie George (Regina George's little sister)- Meanest
Nicole Pedra as Leticia Cole - Meaner
Katherine McNamara as Tara Wilson - Mean

