Sounds like Eureka

Might check it out, sounds interesting, however it bugs me how so many tv shows/movies now are just copied ideas of past (or in this case current) tv shows.
Sure there will be subtle differences, but the premise is still a total copy. Just like The Mentalist is of Psych.
I just hope that this doesn't get all the ratings, attention and praise ahead of Eureka, like The Mentalist did in place of Psych.


First thing I said is that it sounds like Eureka.

At least Psych makes fun of The Mentalist, I wonder if Eureka will get their digs in.


glad to see Im not the only one that thought that after seeing the premise.


rather than complaining about it why don't you shut up and make your own tv pilot that is completely original?

I didn't think so No HST in Ontario.


I for one am not complaining I am observing the similarity.


The reason The Mentalist gets 'all the ratings, attention and praise' is simply because it's a better show all round appealing to a much bigger audience and without the limited repetitive repartee of Psych. (But if TM gets 'all' the praise then Psych gets none, including your commentary?)

I leave comment on this new show until I have seen it. If it's not the quirky, semi-comedic style of Eureka, then it may succeed in its own right, if it attempts to be a copy without any other merits then I will condemn it as necessary.


It's only now, 30 minutes in, that I started to think about how it's similar to Eureka.


Many show have similar plots, and that's okay.


Eureka is 10x better. dont waste your time with stupid garbage.


It wasn't stupid Garbage. It was a family movie, and never pretended to be anything else. It's geared to be appropriate for the family. I have never seen Eureka, but most prime time shows cannot claim to be family friendly. I liked it, but just wished certain scenes moved a little faster.

I just looked up Eureka. It definitely isn't family friendly. Also, not everyone has cable.



blynnpatton wrote

I just looked up Eureka. It definitely isn't family friendly.

Tav-El wrote
Actually Eureka is pretty family friendly.

Looking up a show is very different from actually watching a show. If you're the sort of person who makes judgments on things without actually experiencing their content, well, you deserve to be deprived of quality.

In terms of the levels of sex, violence, graphic anything, Eureka is one of the most family friendly show that a person could watch. I would have no problem with any kid I know watching it. Blood is never shown, nor is sex, or even revealing clothing. There are no "evil" characters, although there have been a couple who were confused, and put their needs above those of the larger community. Those are the bad guys. There is a lot of emphasis on intelligence, and how much better the world is because of scientists and engineers. Rock on.

In terms of positive messages for kids and teens, I believe that there is very little in this world that is legitimately more important than intelligence. Eureka had a major ongoing plot around the main character's daughter. She was a bit of a punk at first, but discovered how cool learning and intellect are, and found out she was actually very intelligent herself, once she found her niche. IMO, it doesn't get better than that.

Oh, and the show is very well-written, with engaging characters, imaginative plots and decent acting.

It's kill or be killed....and I don't want to be killed.


For the record, this week's episode of Eureka ("All The Rage") had a lot of hostility and anger in it, and some fairly mean insults. Not my favorite, and not indicative of the general vibe of the show.

It's kill or be killed....and I don't want to be killed.



This week's (Space Week) was better.

It's kill or be killed....and I don't want to be killed.
