MovieChat Forums > Soldiers of Fortune (2012) Discussion > 100 things I learned from this movie

100 things I learned from this movie

1. Amateur goatherders wishing to fund their rebellion can get in touch with multi-millionaires all over the world.
2. Sovereign countries don't mind having rebel camps on their soil training to invade a neighboring piece of land.
3. Mineral-rich islands on the border between two states would not be hotly contested by those states, and any tin-pot dictator can walk in and claim them for his own.
4. Professional soldiers attempt to take a beach in broad daylight, taking the word of a goat-herder that it's unguarded, instead of landing near the rebel camp under the cover of night.
5. Rebel camps do not post sentries, and are brightly lit at night so the enemy can spot them.
6. Tin-pot dictators don't use their helicopter to scout for rebel camps.
7. Self-propelled assault guns with their barrel at max elevation can hit targets just a hundred yards away.
8. Jet skis explode when they hit something.
9. Never trust someone who runs a hedge fund.
10. A bazooka is effective at 500+ yards against a rapidly moving boat.


Misleading title. You only listed 10 things.


You must be new to these boards.

The intention is for everyone to add to the list until we reach # 100.


11. Bad C.I.A.guys (Is there any other type other than in Tom Clancy films?) really get around to all the world trouble spots to moonlight away from their day jobs.

12 When involved in battles with rebels, dictators, always cart their adorable blonde daughters who like to wear sailor outfits (?) around with them.

13 Dictators store all their ammo and explosives in the one unguarded dump so it can be conveniently destroyed by playboy soldiers of fortune who accidentally stumble across it.

14 Women caught in the middle of a civil war like to have access to jet skis on which they can both recreate and attack one another.

15 Taliban insurgents will conveniently line up to stand out in the open waiting to be shot, rather than find cover when under attack.

16 Soldiers will be dishonourably discharged when they kill the enemy, destroy a Taliban stronghold which is also the centre of a drug running operation and save their buddies.


17. Rebels will spontaneously appear if you size an evidently deserted island.


18. When you suspect that your camp location may be compromised, move your men into a big white tent nearby; nobody would think to look there.

19. That same big white tent will explode on contact when hit by a tank round.


20. Denim jackets and jeans are normal jet ski attire

21. The Grimm Reaper always gets paid


22. A slow moving boat is the perfect escape from guards with assault rifles

23. Michael Jackson is alive, and starring as the female lead in action movies now.

24. Being shot down by a one tank firing squad is the most bad ass way to die.

25.Throwing away your crutches will magically heal your broken leg.

26. Explosions move very, very slowly, and will leave you looking like a loony toon

27. Sean Bean is willing to do any film if they promise to not kill him in it

28. Overweight, middle-aged men are the greatest opponents for the world's greatest soldier

29. A cell phone is not at all useful when stranded on an island

30. Cell phones get great reception on islands without any cell towers.


31. A multi-millionaire will sign a prenup that gives his wife half of everything he owns.
