i will see it

i will see it because of lacy chabert



I will also see it because of Lacey Chabert.


Same here, that's the reason I saw it. But even she couldn't save this garbage film. The interaction between the Indian student and the Chinese food manager may be the most racist thing i've seen in a while...



You mean the part when the Chinese college professor also works at a Chinese takeout place? Or when she says arigato gozaimasu, even though that's Japanese?

Even Lacey's character was awful, so awful that calling her a hipster would be an understatement. Wearing a scarf in California, when everybody else is in shorts and/or short sleeves?

I may come back later with more rant.


My husband stopped on this movie as he was trying to find something to fall asleep to, and set the timer. I decided within the first 10 minutes that it was a completely demented movie, but that scene had me gaping at the TV in disbelief. Shortly afterward, the timer shut off the TV and I silently thanked it for tearing me away from the train wreck.


Haha, that's classic dcamonkeys, you owe your TV a gift for saving you from this garbage. That scene made me stop what I was doing and stare in disbelief as well. Couldn't believe it's something that would get written, read, rehearsed, filmed, edited, and finally put out in that condition.

It's something you may expect from an offensive gross out teen comedy or something and it wouldn't matter, but what the hell was it doing in a cheesy made for TV holiday flick?



No kidding--maybe I should vacuum the dust out of the vents in the back? :-)

Yeah, that scene felt like something out of a teen comedy from the '80s, rather than anything that belonged in Christmas movie. Then again, the fact that it was set at Christmastime seemed incidental. It was far from your usual "feel-good" holiday movie...or even a good movie. I was waiting for "The Todd" to rescue poor Robert Maschio from this stinker.


Robert Maschio's Harly character was the reason that I stayed with this movie. Plays that gawky character well.


Yup. Channel surfing thru the menu and happened to catch her name in the summary earlier tonight. There was just no other good thing about this movie. Even using the HD when Lacey got close-ups couldn't make this bearable.

And the Asian woman character? Speaks Japanese, has Vietnamese last name, and works at a Chinese restaurant.

