MovieChat Forums > Ready Player One (2018) Discussion > Good movie, but one part really bugged (...

Good movie, but one part really bugged (SPOILERS)

I can suspend disbelief about stacking up trailers and all kinds of other science fictiony elements of the movie. I cannot believe, however, that a huge corporation of 2045 would leave its CEO's office open for someone to just walk in while he's gone.

And earlier in the movie, I wondered the same thing when they were holding the CEO at gunpoint. When they revealed that it was a trick and he was actually still in the game, I was like "aha, the movie is smart enough to know they would never be able to get in there." So it was doubly disappointing to see Artemis do it later.


Eeehh, I used to believe stuff like that, but I've since worked with some major corporations and I don't have a problem with it

Like, the notion that Sorrento would leave his password openly visible on a Post-It note ... ridiculous right? In a networked computing company no less! But CEOs have done WAAAY dumber things in real life.

The sad truth is, the vast majority of corporate types have no real competence other than ordering other people to do things. Unless they founded the company or invented the tech, they're typically career executives whose only skill is networking; they get themselves appointed to company boards and appoint each other to CEO positions with big fat bonuses guaranteed.

It's ugly stuff. But it makes Sorrento's incompetence perfectly believable.

The only trope that routinely shows up in fiction, yet is pretty much nonexistent in real life, is the executive willing to kill for the company. In reality, Sorrento types set up failsafes for themselves in the event of failure. So even if the company fails, the executive still gets a nice bonus. Or, worst case, a huge severance package.


But I’m not talking about his password or general incompetence. That I believe. Look at Trump! But no rando is going to get into his office in Trump Tower.
