Dan and Chris

Why does Chris stay friends with Dan, let alone help him in his stupid vencettas?


i'vw been wondering this myself , if this show gets another season maybe we'll get a backstory to dan and chris's relationship . i want him in the games til he dies playing, even yahtzee!


Chri is a nice guy. Just not too bright or stong willed at times...

"Remember me, Mr. Schneider? Kenya, 1947."


Good point.

However, I would not stand Dan as long as he does, even if Dan has a point.

Weird is the new normal.


Dan is his only source of adventure. They're probably friends from grade school.

And Dan loves him.

to paraphrase Dan.

"Next time Im leaving you behind!!!!" whisper "Ill never leave you behind."


Because its funny. :)


The series takes real world dynamics and just exaggerates them for comedic effect. Chris is the nice but mostly air-headed guy who knows he's being bullied by a more hot-headed friend and is just too unmotivated to deal with it properly. Exaggerate this a bit, and you get the air-headed friend helping the hot-headed friend blow up animal shelters and such.


Many people stay in friendships or relationships they shouldn't. This is known as a "toxic relationship," which Dan ironically accuses Chris of being in with Elise.

The main cause for this is because they either think they can't find anyone else, they're afraid of upsetting said person, they can't leave the person (because the person ends up finding them), and/or they have grown an attachment to the person.

I think in Chris's case it's all of the above. Chris doesn't seem to have any other friends, he knows he'd upset Dan if he ever "left" him, he can's seem to escape from Dan, and Chris seems to legitimately like Dan.

I'm not the only one with a little bit of [crap] in their pants, now am I?


Yup. Chris is a nice guy, but he doesn't get out there to make new friends. Dan would just drive them away if he did. He could try to leave Dan, but Dan wouldn't allow it. Hell Elise has tried this and it doesn't work.

Chris knows it isn't good, but he is a pushover. He is a door mat. He's been controlled by Dan since camp when they were little (8-10 years old perhaps). It is mostly Stockholm Syndrome at this point.
