MovieChat Forums > Trespass (2011) Discussion > U people take movies to serious!

U people take movies to serious!

Can't u people watch a movie without investigating every aspect of the film.

U people are *beep* ridiculous! All of u r full of yourself. U must think you are all so smart.

Have a good time, quit your bitchin, and don't be so serious watchin the *beep* movie...


"U must think you are all so smart"

Well, most of us have a better grasp of the English language than you do. so I guess that does make us "smart".

These kinds of movies are meant to be enjoyed, not picked over to find every nit in them. But "Trespass" was so bad, had so many huge plot holes, and had such a bad script that it was painful to watch.

I love to get lost in stupid "home invasion" movies, but this one was just horrible. I want those 90 minutes back!


I don't take movies to seriously, but I take them seriously to a certain extent.

I'm all for "suspension of disbelief", but come on. Sometimes there is a difference between a stretch of the imagination and pure and utter bull crap.

As other posters have said on several other threads, the protagonists had so many opportunities to take control and waste the bad guys that it was pathetic, not to mention the convoluted and contrived "story" and "reveals/plot twists".

I could type a point by point critique, but I don't think that's necessary. Even a blind monkey could recognize the plot holes and inconsistencies in this movie.

The world is yours & everything in it. Its out there; get on your grind & get it.

