MovieChat Forums > Trespass (2011) Discussion > That rich and no security, not believabl...

That rich and no security, not believable anymore

I know of people with that kind of money that have private security around the clock and specialized security for just this type of thing, yes there are secret ways of alerting security and or police when in the middle of a home invasion even when you can't reach the alarm. For example, sophisticated systems have audio triggers that activate when certain sounds are heard, and can activate by just the owner speaking out loud a trigger word, like "Antwerp", when the trigger is spoken a hidden audio signal is sent and the police come, it's incredibly easy to install and is foolproof. These systems have power and phone back up so criminals cutting wires no longer works. In addition, entire families of wealthy people each have personal on body alarms at all times with gps in case of a kidnapping or really any crime that's sudden.

In the trailer they show a thumb print scanner on his safe, anyone with a safe that sophisticated knows that a potential home invader will want to cut off your finger or can easily hit you on the head and press your thumb on the safe. So people with systems like that also have hidden triggers so that if a certain procedure of opening is not followed a silent alarm to police is sent.

Wealthy people have multiple hidden alarms in the event of a home invasion, this type of story is no longer believable, especially for extremely wealthy people. In addition, everything is insured, anyone who has valuables at home doesn't care if someone wants to steal them. It is also well known by wealthy people that keeping ridiculous amounts of cash at home is like hanging a sign that says "come rob me" so basically no one does that anymore except perhaps drug dealers and gun runners and other low lifes who can't use banks.

This type of story rarely happens, when was the last time you heard of a story like this on the news? I can't think of one.


The Petit home invasion was quite similar to this movie.


Nick, I didn't find the film to be that great (just average) but I suggest you watch the film before you make a rant attacking the security aspects the way you did here. If you had seen the entire film instead of just the trailer you would see the safe also needs a PASSWORD, not just his fingerprint. You would also see that the house has a modern security system, including "fake passwords" that would alert the police and so on, however a lot of these things don't work because one of the masked villains is the very guy who installed the entire security system!


Well, all that security couldn't save the people living in it! When a stranger asks me if I'm alone or how many people are home with me--whether they look like the President of the United States or just a man in a police uniform--I'm going to lie and say I'm having a party with a bunch of people, then confirm with a quick call to the police department before considering letting these people in. Kyle made the huge mistake of responding to an irrelevant question with a very inviting answer.

One thing is for sure...from what the news around the world report every day, anything can happen!



I would also expect them (Police) to at least show their faces on CCTV, or show their badges etc..

