Cage was Pathetic!

I like Nic Cage,i know he gets a bad rap because of films like The Wicker Man,but when given the right role and the right director,Cage is one of the best in the business (i.e Adaptation).I went into Trespass not expecting much seeing as it was directed by Joel Schumacher,but seeing as it stared Nicole Kidman i had some hope.I was wrong,This movie was absolutely brutal,My biggest problem was Cage,usually known for his tough action guy roles i was expecting him to nut up and fight back against the intruders, but no he was absolutely useless,hes character just cried and yelled the whole movie.Even his wife and daughter had more balls than he did.This is the worst ive ever seen Cage(yes worse than wicker man)did anyone else think he was horrible in this ??




Well Nick was shown as a diamond trader. Hes not a big tough guy like he was in Drive Angry or Ghost Rider. He WAS supposed to be portrayed as a weakling and not a fighter. You cant compare a character like Kyle Miller he played to his other movies if he was supposed to be a wimp in this one on purpose!

Message board, not fan site,if you dont like my comments, gomake oneyourself.



Cage made the movie bareable to watch and he delivered another great performance.

The Dark Knight Rises Summer 2012!


I agree he was pathetic.He's done vulnerable brilliantly in the past.Think of his transition in movies like Faceoff.
In this movie i think he only wanted to get it over with and pay the rent.


Still I think he tried to do the best he can with this script.

John Carter of Mars March 2012!
The Dark Knight Rises Summer 2012!
