plot hole

Why Avery didnt call police or ask for help when she was away ??? It doesnt seem realistic at all that 16 yo girl came back home alone with a desire to shut all gangsters by herself


Well, the fact that the police showed up at the end could suggest she did alert the police before returning to the house.

But, of course, this is your typical home invasion movie. "Why didn't they..." questions are part and parcel of this genre. Why didn't he say at the beginning: "Look, there's no money in the safe but I have a whole load of cash in the shed. Get that and get the *beep* out of here?" Or why did the guys bring a drug-crazed hysterical woman to a robbery? There are hundreds more questions... That's the type of movie you were watching - can't say I was surprised.


Stupid Avery! She should have shot Elias first and then entertained his questions. She gave him a chance to take out one of her parents first.


"But, of course, this is your typical home invasion movie. "Why didn't they..." questions are part and parcel of this genre. Why didn't he say at the beginning: "Look, there's no money in the safe but I have a whole load of cash in the shed. Get that and get the *beep* out of here?" ."

That's not a plot hole. If he did that they would just kill him and his family and leave with the money. They never planned to leave them alive. He just tried to stall as long as he could and hoping that help would arrive.


Did Avery even have her cell phone? Remember, they took the parents' phones. And you cant really say "well they weren't expecting the daughter so maybe they were confused and didnt think about it" because they were waiting for her to get home. And Nicolas Cage even said that if he gives them the money they would kill them, basically Cage had them by the balls.


What bugged me was that she was quick to grab and use the nail gun but couldn't fire a real gun when required to do so.


This "film" had a plot?


Ppl still don't know what a "plot hole" is.
