MovieChat Forums > Trespass (2011) Discussion > The Time Limit, somebody explain plz

The Time Limit, somebody explain plz

The gangsters make a big deal about a certain "time limit" (20 mins?) on their stopwatch, but when the time is out, nothing happens.

Did I miss something?


No, you didn't miss anything they just never followed up because it was all about creating a sense of urgency, like the bank robbery movies where the lead guy keeps calling out how long they've been in there because he wants to spend two minutes there at the maximum but there is always the dweeb who wants to keep scooping up money because he can't envision leaving that last packet of $5's behind.

I'm surprised Schumacher left his name on this...


yeah they just said the risk of being caught goes up 10% (wow, 10%????) after about 20 minutes.


Considering how long they were there for they must be pretty lucky! I mean, none of 'em got caught!
