MovieChat Forums > Trespass (2011) Discussion > This movie was dumb and that guy that wa...

This movie was dumb and that guy that was obsessed w/ Kidman was dumb...

And the nail gun to your feet and the pyscho kid is not even in pain, was basically an all around dumb movie that brought nothing new at all to the table, been done so many times before.

Were we suppose to feel sympathetic for the dumb burglar kid who took pills??? cuz I sure didnt...

Why would Kidman and Cage agree to do such a sub-standard movie??? Are they broke?



I haven't seen Kidman in anything since Australia which feels like it came out ages ago.

Hey, maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal!


Jonah (the psycho kid) wasn't just dumb...he was the worst scumbag of all.

Granted, his brother Elias was no saint...but Jonah masterminded the plan to ripoff his own brother.

Then, as if that isn't enough, he kills his own brother...AFTER his brother saved his life.

When you kill a family member who loves you for the sake of a woman who doesn't give a rats a** about aren't just immeasurably're trash! I don't care if you're mentally ill or not!
