MovieChat Forums > Trespass (2011) Discussion > I will never make fun of Cage again

I will never make fun of Cage again

....Not because this movie was soooo good -- it wasn't.

But because I gotta admire the hell out of Nicholas Cage for NEVER phoning in a performance, no matter how bad the movie. Be it Season of the Witch, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Wicker man, and about 20 other examples....he will play anything thrown at him with every fibre of his being.

When it comes to Nick Cage movies, I strongly urge people to do their research before diving in. For every "Kick Ass" and "Bad Lieutenant," you gotta sift through a lot of, well, *beep* But it's so worth it!

I hate your stupid signature


I have to say I agree with you. While it is clear Cage is taking every role he can to dig himself out of his financial mess. He plays each role to the hilt and I enjoy watching him.


I agree as well, he does take every role. I must put this one in the top 5 of the worst Cage movies.

Awful movie!!!

"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading". -Henny Youngmam


Even his hairstyle is a character in his movies.
Epic Cage.


OK I hate Nic Cage and is tired of seeing his mug in every movie, but I have to admit he acted REALLY GOOD in this movie, I was impressed.


Even his hairstyle is a character in his movies.

Hilarious, mclovin6009. I was thinking virtually the same thing when I watched "Season of the Witch". I love Nicolas Cage and am always entertained by his movies even though many people want to constantly knock his abilities and performances. He doesn't take himself too seriously and for me his movies are always entertaining on some level.


i... loved... how... well... he... acted... shot... at... the... ... end... of... the... mo... vie.


I agree 100%. Cage is ALWAYS interesting to watch. My short list of reliable actors are Liam Neeson, Denzel Washington, and in a quirky way Cage is close to making that list.



It was painful to watch him in this, it's like he had a split personality!!

Rent his old stuff, when he could act:

Valley Girl
Racing with the Moon
Rumble Fish



i always liked nic cage - i loved face/off w/him and travolta; both of them mimicked each other so well while they had to reverse the faces.. i mean cage wasn't that bad in this movie, i think he did well -- the movie is ok, just not great. i love nicole kidman -- she's a great actress, but this movie wasn't for her... but nonetheless i watched the whole thing.
