MovieChat Forums > Trespass (2011) Discussion > the daughter and the password

the daughter and the password

So when the security lady calls the house and asks what the password is, the girl tells her its diamond. Was I the only one expecting the password to be something else? I'm pretty sure if the security company calls and asks for a password, and they get the wrong one, dont they just say thank you, hang up, and call the police? So I was expecting the password to be something totally different, and they even hinted towards that because there is a shot where the security lady says "yes thats the password" but she has this 'oh my god' look on her face and than it shows the password but it is diamond, idk i thought it would have been better if thats what happened, than it would back up why the security guard showed up and it would show how cunning the daughter was.


exactly what I thought, Avery should have given her the wrong password and thats it.. but maybe if she gave the wrong password the lady would have said "No its wrong"



I just watched this last night, preparing myself for the next episode of "How Did This Get Made?", and I was, perhaps incorrectly, under the impression that the younger brother knew what the password was.


At the beginning they mentioned something about two codes- one which is the real one and one that notifies the police if your being robbed. I was convinced the password was one of those too.


Hmm when they said this they were referring the 4 digit code they gave earlier in the movie. I could be wrong but the main bad guy seemed to be testing them as he already knew the correct code. The dad gave him an incorrect code (off by 1 ending digit ... 55 vs. 56 or something). The guy knew he was lying and punched in the correct code anyway.

I believe the actual password had nothing to do with those digit codes.


I use to be an alarm operator and when the person gives the wrong password we were required to say "Thank You have a good day", hang up and call the cops.
I never got in trouble for doing as I was asked however more than 90% of alarms were false alarms were to treat each one as if it were an actual.
My Love


Well, I have forgotten my password when the alarm went off, but I got it on the second try. The police didn't come, because I do have a panic password. I also have a panic code too.

HOWEVER, security systems know what is going off, and it would have shown up that a window was busted open. Plus it took several minutes to get either Kyle, Avery or Sarah. That security operator should be fired. I'm not sure why she gave the correct password though. She thinks her family will be better off without police showing up? This whole movie was strange.


How about a SPOILER ALERT..?!?

Always RATE after you watch it =)


i hate avery. shes so stupid!

hey! you shut your big mouth when you're talking to me!


I thought the same thing. If she gave the wrong password and said "thats it right?" the operator isn't going to say "No sorry, if you're being held by intruders I hope you just pissed them off."

I'm sure security companies train their employees well on this.

Movie would've made a great ADT commercial hah


I actually thought the same thing but alas had she done the right thing we may not have had to endure another 20 minutes of torture.
