MovieChat Forums > Entourage (2015) Discussion > I can't decide whether Rounda Rousey is ...

I can't decide whether Rounda Rousey is hot in this

She looks like a special effect compared to the short/skinny/out of shape Entourage actors


I don't find her attractive. But she seems like someone cool to hang out with.

The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!


She looks like a man.
If you're into dude bods then yes she's hot.


I think she still has a chick body, albeit pretty jacked ... she just looks like King Kong compared to the shrimpy entourage guys.

I mean, isn't she around the same height as Turtle / E?


I dunno she's disgusting and way above 5'4 average height for a girl.
She even looked more manly then 5'11 vinnie chase.



like many women she looks good with makeup and hair but without it she looks like a man.


She also looked huge and like a tranny/ man in fast and furious.


Most women without makeup look like men? I feel sorry for your local area haha!

The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!


Most women without makeup look like men? I feel sorry for your local area haha!

I think he means Ronda like most women looks good all done up in cakes of makeup but without she looks like a man.


she looks alright. But she needs to remove that conjoined twin of a mole from her face


I just don't get why anyone leaves ugly moles and such on their face when it is nothing to cut them off. Rounda's is pretty bad and very noticeable. She would look so much better just cutting it off. A small scar looks much better than a mole.


I hated her dialogue. script writers were trying to make Rounda sound more badass then she is with that story about beating up 3 guys. but i did like when she first meet turtle by yelling about being followed then hitting his car

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


if you like your women butch, she's the one

Don't hate on contrarians


if you like your women butch, she's the one


The only guy outta my mates who says she's attractive isn't attracted to women. Says it all really


My husband and I had dinner with another couple last night & my husband had no idea who she was. He said to his friend "hey I sent you a video of this really badass chick fighter" and our friend says "yeah, no clue! you really didn't know who Rhonda Rousey is??" My husband had no clue but our friend finds her extremely attractive---my husband didn't until his friend Googled her images & found pictures of her all made up. Changed his mind. FWIW I agree, she's very attractive when she's out of the ring.


Rousey is an acquired taste. Do her hair, do her makeup, put a dress on her....she looks beautiful and sexy. Put her in the Octagon with no makeup and she looks pale and ordinary.

She's a very cool chick tho, and that counts for a whole lot.

But no, I wouldnt say she's naturally beautiful. She's a good looking woman, she's not hot...unless she's got that Hollywood makeup going. Then she is hot. But that Hollywood makeup could make anyone in at least decent shape look hot.


I just don't get why anyone leaves ugly moles and such on their face when it is nothing to cut them off. Rounda's is pretty bad and very noticeable. She would look so much better just cutting it off. A small scar looks much better than a mole.

As superficial as it sounds I don't get it either, maybe she thinks it's like a signature part of her appearance. Enrique Iglesias got his mole removed claiming it was for health reasons and he looks so much better without it. He's a good looking dude but the mole was so distracting.

Same goes for Christian Bale and that damn wart growth thing at the top of his nose by his eye. Why not remove it? It's distracting.


Cindy Crawford would not approve that message....

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Good one...that just always bothered me about her...who wants to start kissing a woman no matter how hot and accidentally kiss or tongue a mole? I had one on the very lower part of my face so it wasn't as bad but I had it removed...took like 5 minutes and hardly any money.


Good one...that just always bothered me about her...who wants to start kissing a woman no matter how hot and accidentally kiss or tongue a mole? I had one on the very lower part of my face so it wasn't as bad but I had it removed...took like 5 minutes and hardly any money.


Wow! A lot of insecure little boys here. I think she's hot and I'd be happy to let her have her way with me however she wanted and no, I'm not a sub.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Ugh. No! Though you can never really tell unless you see them close up in real life. Photographs can be totally deceptive, especially in the digital age.

I always thought Gina Carano was hot. A friend who got near her in Vegas back in her prime said she looked hard and very masculine. Gina may have softened a lot now that she's retired. (I haven't seen Deadpool...she's in that.)
