MovieChat Forums > Entourage (2015) Discussion > Audience gave standing ovation

Audience gave standing ovation

I came back from the movie earlier and myself along with the rest of the audience really enjoyed it. The whole place was standing and clapping at the very end. It was very funny and had many good lines. It kept a movie feel to it along with continuing the show. I would watch again. It kind of reimagines every joke from the show in a different way. Ari and Drama were the best as they were in the show.


It got an applause in my theater as well. Can't remember the last time that happen. It was great to see the movie in a theater full of people who were fans of the show.


I get the clapping part, it happens sometimes, but you lost me at "in a theater full of people", unless this was the one theater that was playing to a packed house while it was playing to so many other empty ones. This did zero business at my theater over the weekend and died a quick death.


My theater was packed and I saw it on a Friday afternoon, not at night.


That's the way the movie business is. More or less, they know which markets the movie will test well in, and they advertise more readily in those markets. It's not foolproof, but it's the reason why sometimes you see a movie out/about to come out, and you wonder why you barely heard anything about it.


People who clap for movies are idiots.


Or they just really enjoyed the movie.

Winter is coming






How dare anyone show any emotion for a movie at the end of it??? Right tman. Just disgusting people.


How dare anyone show any emotion for a movie at the end of it??? Right tman. Just disgusting people.

I said they were idiots not disgusting.


Tman, people have the right to display emotion in public. They should be able if they want to, and being against that just make you look silly.


They have every right to display their emotion. I don't get up and tell them to stop. Clapping is to show appreciation for live performances or at movie premieres since a lot of the cast and crew are present. I don't think it makes any sense to clap at a projection screen; sorry that it upsets you so much.


Oh but I see millions of American doofuses each year clap throughout the NFL season and last time I checked 99.9% of them are clapping at their TV.

Theory crushed.

Schooling IMDB members since 2004...

The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!


yeah, because that's totally the same thing.

"Schooling IMDB members since 2004... "

oh the irony.


Oh but I see millions of American doofuses each year clap throughout the NFL season and last time I checked 99.9% of them are clapping at their TV.

Theory crushed.

Schooling IMDB members since 2004...

Unless you saw me clapping at my TV, then theory not crushed. I don't believe I've ever clapped at an inanimate object nor do I have any plans to start.


He did not say you clapped at your tv, just that many people do.


Yeah, and many people are idiots...


I agree, people clap and cheer for people when they're on a TV; yet, when they see people clapping at a movie theater (I have a problem with it, if it's DURING the movie) after the movie they're so angry with them and it makes no sense. It's human feelings and nature, if you like the game and cheer for it DO NOT (and did I stutter?) put other people down for clapping if they enjoyed a movie. It's the same damn thing it's getting annoying how people get angry for something they did as well.

Don't knock it, 'till you've tried it!!


are we really having that conversation? one thing is a mainstream movie, the other thing is sport. people are CHEERING for their team, no matter where. bar, at home, at the stadium ...etc. completely different thing. they are not expressing their respect for a well played game, they are cheering for a positive OUTCOME.

also, honestly, tell me how much you witnessed someone at home, watching the game and afterwards standing up, giving it applause. not cheering, applause. because that's what you are comparing here.

while we are at it. if they were comparable, then we would not be talking about people "applauding" after the film, we would have to be talking about the whole cinema shouting stuff like "yeeeeah, turtle, do it, get that hooker" and "yeeeaaaah, vince, get that role, c'mon you piece of shat".

on the other hand, it's not that i could not imagine entourage doing so. xD


"Oh but I see millions of American doofuses each year clap throughout the NFL season and last time I checked 99.9% of them are clapping at their TV. "

Clap? I think you mean swear, yell, cheer, throw things, and have hissy fits.

"Loves turned to lust and bloods turned to dust in my heart"


I don't think it makes any sense to clap at a projection screen;

Again, mate, it's just a way some people display an emotion, not very much different than laughing. Do you think it's weird some people laugh in a theater, when the actors can't hear it. That's just a way some people do it. The fact that you're so offended by it, is kind of strange.

sorry that it upsets you so much.

You're the one that brought it up and called people idiots for doing something so everyday. You're not very good with that "people" thing, are you?


I don't think it makes any sense to clap at a projection screen;

Again, mate, it's just a way some people display an emotion, not very much different than laughing. Do you think it's weird some people laugh in a theater, when the actors can't hear it. That's just a way some people do it. The fact that you're so offended by it, is kind of strange.

sorry that it upsets you so much.

You're the one that brought it up and called people idiots for doing something so everyday. You're not very good with that "people" thing, are you?

Laughing is an involuntary reaction. I don't think I've ever seen someone overcome with uncontrollable clapping fit. It doesn't upset me or ruin my experience at the movies; people who clap at a movie are clapping for themselves more than anything which I think is idiotic.


And you said I was getting too serious? LOL. Clapping can be just as much an involuntary emotion as laughing if you are extremely happy with what you just saw. People who clap and laugh at a great joke when there's one person in the room aren't expressing emotion? My gosh, are really that silly? Mate, you've been brainwashed by some radio or TV idiot to think that, when you're not thinking for yourself. What you've learned is to suppress the emotion of clapping from someone in your past. It's a normal reaction in every culture in the world, so what you're saying is completely wrong. It's called being human.


I've had countless times in my life when I saw something funny and laughed without having the ability to stop. I've never found myself with the inability to stop clapping. Aren't the people who hear a few others clap and then decide to join them for no reason the ones who can't think for themselves?

Also, I don't think PTSD is preventing me from clapping after a movie...


Well haterade abuser, I'm going to the 9pm show tonight. Because it is reserved seating, I saw that it is already 90% full and I got the 2nd row dead center. When the entire theater claps at around 11pm, I will be sure to post here and laugh at you for being wrong again.


The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!


Well haterade abuser, I'm going to the 9pm show tonight. Because it is reserved seating, I saw that it is already 90% full and I got the 2nd row dead center. When the entire theater claps at around 11pm, I will be sure to post here and laugh at you for being wrong again.


I said people who clap for movies are idiots not that it doesn't happen. How would that prove me wrong again? When was I wrong the first time when we've only had one argument?




Just because you've suppressed the emotion of clapping at a movie, doesn't mean others have to. And maybe it's not that. Maybe you don't feel the emotion of the movie as strongly as the others? Just the fact that you had to write the point in the first place, shows that it's something others naturally do that you can't get your head around it.

Again, every culture in the world does it. But you're right, and the rest of the world is wrong. Welcome to the mindset of the internet.


Just because you've suppressed the emotion of clapping at a movie, doesn't mean others have to. And maybe it's not that. Maybe you don't feel the emotion of the movie as strongly as the others? Just the fact that you had to write the point in the first place, shows that it's something others naturally do that you can't get your head around it.

Again, every culture in the world does it. But you're right, and the rest of the world is wrong. Welcome to the mindset of the internet.

Clapping is an emotion now? I loved a lot of movies I've seen in theaters; I saw American Sniper a couple months ago and thought it was great. I'm still not going to clap and you really think every culture in the world claps at the end of a movie? What the hell are you talking about?


So if someone rolls their eyes because they're emotional due to a situation, that has nothing to do with having an emotional response? My gosh mate. Did you grow up like a Duggar?


No but I can have the exact same emotion as someone else but yet not display it in the same way. (i.e. I can talk about how I enjoyed a movie instead of clapping to nobody)

I have no idea what kind of point you're trying to make with the Duggar reference but if you can equate not clapping to that, you're probably a little more disturbed than me.


You are the one calling people idiots for clapping. Obviously it makes you pretty upset for some reason.



Do the people who clap at movies also kiss their fingers Italian style if they have a good meal?




Americans are just stupid people generally. Not all, but many verging on most.


Jealousy doesn't suit you. Go have a glass of water..... oh wait.... your third world cesspool's water probably causes projectile vomiting.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I don't think it makes any sense to clap at a projection screen.

Well, I guess we should all be thankful that your opinion, in regards to what does or doesn't make sense, has no bearing on the real world, or other people for that matter. So people will continue enjoying watching films and if they desire, clapping until their hands fall off without having a care in the world what you actually think about them doing it.

sorry that it upsets you so much.

Don't be sorry. While your opinion may be stupid, your still entitled to that opinion.

Still Shooting With Film!



I agree, clapping is for a good LIVE performance where you clap right in front of the actors/musicians etc., I do that a lot I confes.
But who are those cinema/tv people clapping for? Themselves?

Just like when people clap because the plane lands safely, those people should also remember to clap when the bus reaches it's destination or when the cab does, same thing. A guy does his job so that you can get from A to B. If you clap at the pilot and not the bus driver, you're a snob.

So many people are lemmings.


Well, I've seen people cheering on a car at a racetrack, and there is absolutely no way that the driver could hear anything other than the roar of their engine.

I think that people clap and cheer to impress those around them, not necessarily the player (or film) that they just watched.


As much of a troll as you are (because you didn't need to make your original comment in the first place, nor call people idiots) you actually do have a fair point, lol. I'll turn to my mates and say "that was awesome" but when I've seen people clap in the cinema in the past I do think "WTF? Do they realise the actors and movie makers can't see/hear them?".


And you would be right. It takes a special brand of moron to applaud an object. What, do these idiots think the movie is going to take a bow, or something???


haha yeah it is lame. and i enjoyed entourage too but why would it get a standing ovation? just go home!


People who clap for movies are idiots.

You just mad, you're still a VIRGIN

He think hes bad with class! Im gonna rock this shotgun up his *beep* ass!


I agree clapping at the end of a film is pretty dumb (especially a movie like Entourage.) It's like some people who insist on clapping when a plane lands - So lame.


LOL! But I love when a guy starts slow clapping at the end of a movie and no one follows lol.


I clap at the end of a really good movie - I must be an idiot - or i'm expressing how much enjoyed the film - pick one.


yes, glad you recognized that fact. You're American too of course. lol


in which theater?


The same goes for sport fans cheering in a bar??


People who call other people idiots only leave themselves open for comparison.


People who clap for movies are idiots.

I agree, probably the same idiots who clap when their plane lands....! 😂


I'm seeing it tonight and will probably clap too. I haven't clapped at the end of any movie in my life but Entourage will probably be the exception!

The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!


NFL fanatic. Entourage hater.

Confirmed ^.

The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!



I mean seriously, what could make people so upset at something as innocuous as people clapping at the end of a movie? Talk about repressed feelings. This feels like a sit down with the Duggar family about sexuality. 



Fair enough. Thanks, though, for helping me make myself laugh. Or is that OK to do?



Well, that response was informative. 


As a fan of the show and being optimistic that the movie will do well, that is great to hear that people were clapping at the end. Even if it was a crowd of strictly Entourage fans, I would think that kind of response has to be at least somewhat genuine.


Given how misogynistic the boys and the movie is that's pretty sad to hear. When will men stop being pathetic little pussies? Strong men, real men, care about women.


The leader of all White Knights goes by Heartland2151 ladies and gentlemen!!!

The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!


My wife loves the show, because she realizes it isn't realistic. Come on now...


Hopefully you're fair and watch Magic Mike with her then.


I would if there was any interest.


I think it's dumb when people clap at the end of movies but this had an ending that made you want to clap.


I'm usually not one to clap at the end of the movies. I think this was the first time I did it. The ending definitely did it.


If he does not like Magic Mike, why would his wife want him to watch it? She is not watching something she does not like, she is watching something she likes. If he were asking her to watch something she hates you would be correct, he should reciprocate.


Audience gave standing ovation

Was it a screening at a fraternity?
