Older Sports Expert?

Forgot his name, but I don't see him on the show anymore. He was their sports card expert. Now they have some younger guy working for them. Anyone know what happened to him?


Ashley swallowed him whole


He didn't rip off customers to the extent he was expected to, so he was fired.

Man without relatives is man without troubles. Charlie Chan


He was just on the 3/25 episode with the Tom Brady Michigan jersey.

**** JAY LENO....GO COCO!!!!!!!!!!


You mean this guy?

http://hardcorebrawn.blogspot.com/2014/01/another-one-bites-dust-denni s-kaminer.html

This show is self destructing. And to quote Martha Stewart, "It's a good thing."

Hurricane Hunters - We fly into the storm because it's a ton of fun!


Another excellent find by Hurricane-Hunter! Keep up the great work!


That guy is the biggest jerk at the store - and that's saying something.
