oscar tak

Ok, this over Tin Tin? Over Rango? Really? They picked a movie no one heard. Why??


The category is called "Best animation feature", not "Most famous animation feature", fyi


But i don't think this movie is really a feature. I thought it was a mistype of monster in paris.


nobody even knows what the hell this is. it shoudnt even be nominated by the academys own stupid standards i mean god it only has like 300 votes on imdb. They are just pulling this one out of their ass to please some foreign people, I seriously doubt this is better than tintin cars 2 etc



the movie is 60 minutes and i don't think it was released theatricality in the USA....was it?

its a pretty good film despite this.


nobody even knows what the hell "A separation" is. it shoudnt even be nominated by the academys own stupid standards i mean god it only has like 30000 votes on imdb. They are just pulling this one out of their ass to please some foreign people, I seriously doubt this has better script than warrior cars 2 etc


actually "A separation" is fantastic. and cars 2 (and the warrior for that matter)? all i can do is laugh.



It was a parody on Alex Simmons´ post (I thought it´s obvious)


Was certainly obvious to me.

This film rocked. it had a qualifying run. I don't understand what all you crazy people are talking about. Cars 2 sucked, while admittedly Tintin was the best animation this year. A Cat in Paris is a sgood as Kung Fu Panda and better than the other nominations in my oppinion (although I havn't seen Chico & Rita).


i dont know if you are trying to disagree with my by making fun of me but what you said is just strengthening my point. a separation has a US theatrical release, is in the top 250 already as you said with tons of votes, and people actually have heard of it before it got nominated for something. cat in paris looks like it should be in the short film category it has such little notoriety


So just to sum up what you're saying... How popular/well known a film is corralates to how good it is?

A film only has to be over 40 minutes in the Academy's eyes to be feature length, which it is.
And going by these standards Secret of Kells shouldn't have been nominated afew years ago. Which was amaaazing.


I saw this movie over 6 months ago at an Art Museum in my city. And most all of the packed crowd in the big theater loved it. It was a very good animated movie about a clever cat (burgler). Pity most Americans will never get to see it. When the DVD comes out - rent it. Loved that cat and am thrilled to see it nominated for a big award. No, it did not get much commercial release like the big animated features did but it is every bit as good and maybe better than some of the other ones nominated. Yea CAT. And in some ways better than Rango.
