Wondering in what language Fay addressed the Vietnamese soldiers ?
If it was the Yorta Yorta language why did it have the desirede effect ?


Because it wasn't English...


I presume it was Vietnamese, since she said to a Vietnamese soldier, "I am speaking your language with permission."

I don't know how she learned it.

Don't Care What The Governments Say
They're All Bought And Paid For Anyway

- Sun Green


my wife is Viet and said it's definitely not the Vietnamese language, so we had no clue what she was supposed to be speaking.


Thanks for the information.

The only other likely candidate is French, which it wasn't.

Maybe it was Mung.

Don't Care What The Governments Say
They're All Bought And Paid For Anyway

- Sun Green


she said to a Vietnamese soldier, "I am speaking your language with permission."

No, I have just seen it tonight. I have paused it on the screen. The subtitles definitely say "We want to pass through your country, with respect. We are Yorta Yorta women, I speak my language with your permission."


Drewy, can I ask what country you're in, that you're able to watch it on video WITH that scene? I just watched the DVD in the US and it was cut.


Why was that scene cut from the US DVD? It's a good scene.


i thought she said "i am speaking my languge"
And they let them go because they weren't speaking English so they knew they weren't soldiers


Yes, I agree. Interestingly enough, it was Kay, who was raised away from her mob, who recalled her native tongue, at that critical point. In fact I think that was a deliberate device to have her continue on her journey back to her mob.


If it was the Yorta Yorta language, why did it have the desired effect?

Bearing in mind that many people in South Vietnam were already familiar with French, Dutch, Portuguese, English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages, and most dialects of Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia:

I think Kay's unfamiliar language had those guerrilla fighters accepting she and the others weren't the enemy, and that they were just innocent bystanders stuck in a foreign country. Especially after Kay spoke with a respectful tone.
