Live to Tell

Loving this episode. I don't think I'd mind if they did one of these per season. It was good that they finally flat out said No matter how good you are at making fire, you're going to fail sometimes.

Nice to know the crew was wondering in the beginning about Bill. If he seemed strange to us, imagine what it must have been like to have actually been WITH him. I was also glad to hear they pay attention to fans on Twitter and Facebook.

The saga of getting my first novel on Kindle


Why was Bill not in this?


I've always thought that it would be quite a challenge to make primitive fire under damp conditions, since even when you have fire starters it can be a challenge when everything is so damp. I think that under such conditions that it would be nice to have one of those G.I. ponchos with the liner, since they also double as a makeshift sleeping bag.

Unless I somehow interpreted it wrong, it looks like Bill may be gone for next season? If that's the case, I'm a little disappointed. I had finally gotten used to his zaniness.


They brought in 2 new guys since Bill is gone.

But at least Cody is gone for good. He sucked.


Looks like 3 new guys.


Looks to me like they are keeping Grady but bringing in "special guest stars."

The saga of getting my first novel on Kindle


Looks like it.

The showed scenes with a new guy out with Grady and then mentioned bringing on two guys from "Naked and Afraid".

I don't really know how I feel about this. I'm not excited about the "Naked and Afraid" guys at all but I don't know anything about them either. I guess it's something different. Makes you wonder how Grady feels having to go out with a new guy every week.

Correction: It looks 4 new guys counting the "Naked and Afraid" guys. At least 4 that we were shown.


I don't really know how I feel about this. I'm not excited about the "Naked and Afraid" guys at all but I don't know anything about them either. I guess it's something different. Makes you wonder how Grady feels having to go out with a new guy every week.

I'll withhold judgement until I see them. Before now I'd only seen part of an episode, (until this morning when I saw part of 2 more.) It just didn't hold my interest. But that may change seeing them in a different format.

As to how Grady feels, I wonder about that, too. Its pretty obvious they were telling the truth about Grady and Bill not meeting until they were dropped on that frozen mountain top. I wouldn't be too thrilled about having to do that 4 times in one season.

The saga of getting my first novel on Kindle


Good episode.

I don't think I'd mind if they did one of these per season.

I agree as long as they don't reduce the number of episodes to add this one.

I was also glad to hear they pay attention to fans on Twitter and Facebook.

Very nice. Although I think a while back you and I both wondered if they were monitoring social media when the show started doing two part episodes where Joe and Matt were out there for 4 or 5 days. Much longer than the standard 3 days.


great episode!

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


That kind of shows instability if you have Grady with a different person each week.

Makes me think either Grady is hard to get along with or they keep rotating guys so they won't get another Bill to bother him for the whole season.


That kind of shows instability if you have Grady with a different person each week.

My impression was that it would be Grady with one new dude, then with that New Zealand guy. Then the two Naked and Afraid people would be on together. I could have misinterpreted that however.


They might also be considering the rotations as "chemistry tests." They had a great combination with Dave and Cody. Cody was only a bit annoying in the beginning, although he did get worse. But it was fun to watch. Then they switched Dave for Joe and things got pretty bad. Next it was Joe and Matt. Joe toned down a little and actually quit using the word "missions" all the time. But Matt wasn't really good for the 72 hour format and he didn't need a partner; he was just too good. Lastly we had 2 new guys, thrown together for the very first time when they got onto a helicopter to be dropped on a mountain top. After you got used to him Bill wasn't all THAT bad, but he wasn't a fan favorite.

Grady is a likeable guy with pretty fair skills so I can see them wanting to keep him. I would have to wonder if these guest spots might not turn into auditions for a later season.

The saga of getting my first novel on Kindle
