"New" Episode Tonight

The title is Raging Rain Forest. But it says its got Matt and Joe. I found one reference to it and it looks like they took Waterlogged, added some footage, and re-cut it.

The saga of getting my first novel on Kindle


Cool, I'll have to check it out.

The new season should be interesting since they're mixing things up a bit. I wonder if Bill will ever come back as a guest?

I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that we will never get to see any of these added footage episodes with Bill 


It did seem like the "new episode" had some new material. Have to watch the original to know for sure, but it seemed like they included more skills demonstrations. They left in the part where Matt went chasing after the butterfly.

I still think they might feature Bill in a future episode as the victim in one of their scenarios. LOL

The saga of getting my first novel on Kindle


I still have the original on the DVR that I used for comparison.

There were a couple of new scenes that weren't shown before but the main stuff was extensions of scenes that did show more skill demonstrations.

The first of the new material is when they first camped and Joe started the fire. When Matt returns with extra wood the scene was shortened where Joe pats himself on the back for the fire and tells Matt "Don't get too excited I've been fightin this thing like crazy" and we get a new scene where we see Matt work up a way to dry some dead palms to use for signaling the next day.

Later, when they fix the canoe there was a new scene where Joe tries to patch the canoe with something different from the blue stick thingy that wont stick to the canoe so he switches to the blue stick. After that, there was some new material with Matt making paddles that wasn't shown before with him attaching the handle that was excluded from the original extended episodes.

These "new episodes" and the reruns Discovery has been airing just make me miss Matt. I really hope he gets his own show.


Thanks for the report. The heat has kicked in here in FL and I have been swamped with work, so I haven't had time to dig out the DVD I burned of the original version.

The saga of getting my first novel on Kindle


Thought you might want to know that the Science channel has a Survivorman marathon scheduled for May 5th starting in the early afternoon. If you have a DVR you might want to set it to record the shows.


Thanks for the reminder. I knew it was coming up but forgot it was so soon.

The saga of getting my first novel on Kindle
