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DC animated movie news from 'S/B: Apocalypse' LA premiere

Highlights courtesy of Albert Ching at Newsarama:

Tuesday September 21, 2010

11:31 [p.m.] - Voice director Andrea Romano joked that Summer Glau was perhaps the last actor left from "Firefly" that they hadn't yet used in an animation project.

11:36 - Montgomery discusses how Supergirl's name was taken out of the title of the story, which was called "The Supergirl From Krypton" in the comics. Montgomery said it happened after the Wonder Woman DVD-release animated film didn't meet sales expectations. "We had to fight to even put her on the cover, and then they put her skanky version on the cover. So 'those' boys would buy it."

11:44 - The next three DC Animation projects were outlined by the moderator: "All-Star Superman," "Green Lantern: Emerald Knights" and "Batman: Year One."

11:45 - "Batman: Year One, one of my favorite Batman comics of all time. I've loved that book for 20-some years. It's really, really faithful to the comic," Timm said, noting that [Tab] Murphy wrote the screenplay for that one as well.

11:46 - Timm said that Year One is "very strictly realistic, and definitely based on the Frank Mazzucchelli art." He also said it's "the entire comic," and adapting it actually came up a little short, and they had to figure out what to expand without adding anything.

11:48 - "Green Lantern: Emerald Knights" is an anthology with each section focusing on a different member of the Green Lantern Corps, specifically mentioning Abin Sur, Sinestro and Kilowog. There will be a unifying theme connecting each installment.

11:49 - Now, Q&A from the audience. "How do you pick the next project?" Timm said there's no set method; there's a weekly conference call, where there's a lot of back-and-forth between him, DC Comics and the Warner Home Video people.

11:50 - Question for Tim Daly: "Wonder Woman or Lois Lane?" Daly looked at Eisenberg. "Oh, Wonder Woman. If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you with," he joked.

11:50 - If you could adapt any obscure DC property, what would it be? Timm: "I would probably do the Blackhawks. I love the Blackhawks." Montgomery: "Batgirl: Year One or anything with Aquaman."

11:52 - "Can we expect to see a Superboy/Kon-El animated feature film?" Timm: "You know, that hasn't actually come up yet, but that's a good idea. It might come up on this week's conference call."
Wednesday September 22, 2010
12:00 [a.m.] - Timm said the opening sequence, panning through Gotham City, was padded a little bit because the animatic came in at slightly under the scheduled time.

12:03 - Timm discussed changes to the ending, saying the comic book ending had Superman "fake being outraged," and though that worked fine in a comic, he wasn't sure if it would work in a film. "This is one of the things I tease Jeph about," Timm said, saying that Loeb has a tendency to have things happen in comics that aren't always logical, which works in the serial nature of a comic. "In a movie, there's a certain amount of credibility you have to have."
For the complete account, click here: 21.html.

"Glenn Beck has Nazi Tourette's!" - Lewis Black


I agree with Timm's statement that Superman "Faking being outraged" was beyond ridiculous in the comic.

I've warmed up to them giving Kara something to do by taking on Darkseid by herself but I'm still disappointed how Superman had to suffer looking like such a wuss to make that happen.


I thought the exact same thing! The fake outrage was ridiculous- "she'll never be able to have apple pie with a slice of cheese!" Yeah, whatever Jeph.

Plus what's up with that ridiculous comment about Supergirl looking like a skank for 'those boys'? Like it's our fault they don't want to put her on the cover or make movies with women? Don't blame us for not buying it in droves, blame the executives who put this ridiculous policy in place. Jeez. Maybe your movies suck and we're not the ones who said you can't have a female in the title?
