Why the simplistic eyes?

What, if any, is the (presumably artistic) purpose in rendering the characters' eyes simply as black dots on a skin-coloured background in this movie, rather than as the usual, more-or-less naturalistic choice of black-pupil-in-colored-iris-in-white? Granted, there are some very nice stark light-and-shadow effects with reflective lenses (like Batman's mask and Gordon's glasses) here, and I suppose the otherwise understated eyes do emphasize those even more, but it looks decidedly odd in many facial close-up shots - once one notices it in the first place, at any rate.

I know that comics render eyes like that on occasion, but always perceived that as simply a lack of detail in panels in which facial features in general are too small and/or unimportant to warrant more intricacy. As opposed to a deliberate choice that would also be applied to facial close-up panels, that is.


[Sample screenshot: http://image.bayimg.com/4f3d7c0187cd5fc2c2a702c942ae5d223ac1d1c7.jpg]


Artistic style, I think.


Now that I looked at my copy of Batman Year One, I'm thinking they're just copying Mazzucchelli's art style for this movie.


It's more simple to draw (or animate), and IMO more mysterious than real eyes.
