At the end

It was actually a good Batman movie, but wondered why in the end he is not dressed as Batman, rather than his actual risk of being recognized or disclosed. Anyone have an explanation?


It was day time.

I know how to be controlled...




The helmet would've originally shielded his identity, with a lack of that it was down to being exposed to Gordon, who claims to be blind without his glasses.

Or did he know Batman's little secret?

I know how to be controlled...


Batman is best at night because he is scary at night. If he came out in daylight and everyone saw him properly it would ruin his image as a Bat of the night.


Which, IMHO, is one the major flaws of Dark Knight Rises.

Batman in broad daylight simply looks ridiculous


But he had to there. The bomb was going to go off during daylight.


Which, IMHO, is one the major flaws of Dark Knight Rises.

Batman in broad daylight simply looks ridiculous

Haha, yeah. I enjoyed The Dark Knight Rises, but that part with Batman out in broad daylight looked cartoonish and made me laugh. I love ya, Batsy, but stick to the darkness.


Yeah, but it didn't matter at that point. The criminals did not fear Batman the way they used to. And Some of them even saw Bane break his back. He was just a man to them by that time. There was no need to pretend anymore that he was more than a man. Criminals actually stopped fearing Batman in The Dark Knight because of Joker as well. He lost that illusion of being more than just a man by the end of Dark Knight.


to 'reveal' Gordon his real identity, I guess.

But one thing annoyed me is, he wears vest in his casual outfit but wear none in his batsuit.
