maybe random but

why the *beep* do be people compare this short to saw?? it has nothing in common storywise. If it was the lighting then I just don't accept that as a means to bash it or call it a ripoff.

If first don't succeed, call in Wierzbowski.


No, it doesn't have anything to do with Saw storywise. However, both main storylines of Saw's pitch and Rebirth take place inside of an interrogation room. Not to mention that the short's (Rebirth) execution is a lot like Saw's execution, minus the random spinning camera.

It's not just the "lighting"; it's the whole essence of the short. It took it away from Mortal Kombat and threw it into Law and Order, Saw and Hostel territory.

This short is irrelevant now anyway; not only is the webseries not following Rebirth, but the director alluded to the fact that he never really planned to make the storyline in Rebirth into a motion picture; that it was just a quick shot because he had the equipment and everyone was in town, and was just to show producers that he can do action, seeing as how he has no action movies in his resume. When Rebirth was "leaked", he was embarrassed because it was never supposed to get out to the public, in any form.

I have tasted the FLESH OF FALLEN ANGELS!


Ya I've read about the webseries a few days ago. I didn't know there was a saw short so I guess that would explain the bulk of it then.

90% of the people on the Internet are Trolls, the other 10% are "Idiots"
