MovieChat Forums > Occupant (2011) Discussion > Clarity to those who didn't understand(s...

Clarity to those who didn't understand(spoiler)

I read all of these posts and no one REALLY understood what was going on.

Yes, he may have been going a little crazy towards the end of the 12 days but after watching the footage the little boy found, it all made since.

You may want to go back and watch it again.

It's a condition we're all familiar with...sleepwalking. Sleepwalking isn't walking like a zombie, it's likes being a a completely different person. If you recall, everytime someone died he was asleep. A lot of the scenes were of him falling asleep or waking up.

YouTube some sleepwalking situations, you'll be shocked how scary it can be. I sleep walked once. Walked out of my apartment in my underwear and down the street. My girlfriend thought I was just being a jerk. NO, I was asleep and didn't remember doing that.


Hmmm, most interesting; you know, I never even considered that.


Now that you mention it, it really wasn't THAT long after he got there that the girl showed up. Sooo that kinda supports the possibility of what you say because how could he have lost it that soon after being there...? Also, yes, now that I think about it, it DOES seem that he had done some things and then 'found' them later and reacted quite strongly like he had NO idea at all how it happened.

Good idea; I wonder if your right...?

ILOVEtrading films!I've got a HUGE..uh..collection!Please ask!



did u just use "Youtube" as a verb, Ive never seen that online before lol


I read all of these posts and no one REALLY understood what was going on.

The mandatory plot twist at the end might indeed be that he was sleepwalking, however it is very understandable a lot of people didn't understand that at all. The reason is that that particular explanation leaves just too many plotholes.

-Why was Joe helping him?
-Why didn't Joe find the dead painter and exterminator suspicious?
-Why did Joe return the carbage bag with the shoes?
His overall strange behaviour can only have one possible explanation: to trick the viewer into expecting him to be the bad guy.
-Sleepwalking doesn't explain why someone starts to kill from day 2. He must have been totally psychotic in the first place, whether he did it while sleepwalking or not. Why hadn't he killed other people and himself in the rest of his life? How did he make it this far in life? Why hadn't he killed his cat 2 weeks earlier?
-Why were we shown the scared grandmother in the beginning? Why the scratches on the bedpost? That could all only make sense if he killed his grandmother as well, while sleepwalking, but we are not given any evidence in this direction.
-What about the hole in the closet? Did he make that as well? On day one?
-Why would he drag the exterminator to the hall, just to keep the apartment like he says? That's absurd. If he was only "crazy" when sleepwaking, his actions were just as psychotic and illogical when awake. He might just as well have killed the exterminator when awake.

So it's still not explained why someone goes grazy in a few days. He must have been psychotic in the first place, which makes the fact he was in that apartment totally irrelevant and the movie pointless. All plotholes come down to misdirection of the viewer, which is fine when it all still fits in the end (like for instance in the sixth sense). But if it's just that: misdirection, than it's just pointlessly cheating your audience. The onyl other thing I can think of is that he was possessed since he got into the apartment, (perhaps also the kid in the end when watching the movie), but too little evidence was given to assume this.

Strangely enough though, I DID enjoy the movie, I thought the atmosphere and acting weren't all that bad.


Actually, it all made a lot of sense. He never lived out of that apartment. He always lived there. And he killed his own granmother to get the apartment all to himself. Joe knew him from the get go and sympathised with him because... it was emplied that he was...attracted to the kid.

And when somebody sleepwalks, they do sleepwalk. From the last footage and the way he killed himself, he suffered not only from sleepwalking but split personality disorder.

Lesson learned from the movie : Girls, do not go to strange boys' apartments!!!



The sleepwalking angle is BS.
What about that hole in the wall?
What about the exterminater dying and being half shoved into the hole in the wall? And Danny didn't fall asleep. From what i remember he was in another room and then Joe the doorman asked him how the exterminater was doing so danny went looking for him. There was noo sleeping and it was still day out (yes i know he could've napped but come on!).
What was with the shadows around the house and the water mysteriously turning brown?
Let me make this clear. Danny never lived in that house(at least not recently) and Joe never met him before. Joe's first conversation with Danny is not the type of conversation you'd have with someone you've known for a long time. Just the way he was speaking to him, and touching him...even the words he used i think he said something along the lines of "Hi, i'm joe the doorman and i want to help you. Here let me excort you to the appartment." He would NOT say those words if they already met.
After Danny taped up the hole in the wall, how'd it just ripped open again and why was he so paranoid about it?
The filmakers were just confused and didn't know where the *beep* they were going with this.


does Joe even exist... did it ever show anyone besides danny talking to him?


Yes, Joe interacts with the grocery delivery kid. He exchanges money for groceries at the front gate of the building.

Too many loose ends in the film. It was apparent to me that he was committing the murders but was looking forward to a good reveal for why, but that never happened. I agree that the elevator conductor being in his apartment was weird. Unless Danny was asleep when he let him into the apartment. I guess that is possible.

I agree with whoever it was that said that Danny lived in the apartment all along and that was why everyone was trying to help him keep it under his grandmother's lease. I think he murdered his grandmother which was either the beginning of a severe psychotic break or the catalyst for one.

Bam said the lady.


I agree with Johnson40

The whole sleepwalking excuse only takes you so far. I think Danny was borderline psychotic and being cooped up in that rambling apartment is what causes the break. Yes, he does kill the girl early but seriously, who wouldn't want to snap that annoying twit's neck? Maybe he thought she was spying on him, sent by the landlord.

Notwithstanding Danny's mental problems, there were odd things going on. Luther the elevator man was strange; brown water came out of the tap for the girl; something did scare grandma to death and presumably claw the bedpost. And then there's Joe. Joe the doorman was unreasonably helpful to Danny. Even if Joe WAS deeply in love with Danny (arguable), there's no way he would cover-up 3-4 deaths and then supply his unrequited love with yards of barbed wire and razors knowing the kid was going bat-sh$t crazy. Not unless Joe (feeling spurned) also wanted Danny to kill himself?

There's a lot in the movie that really makes no sense but, as did Johnson, I ultimately enjoyed the brisk 85 minute run-time because of the atmosphere and acting (the kid playing "Danny" was surprisingly good for an unknown). And the general premise wasn't bad either... as someone else posted, it is a little like "Repulsion" meets Tenant Wars.


And don't forget the rosary he found in the hole in the closet. This implies that there was an evil spirit or monster in the closet, but the closet was never explained.

There was also the creepy elevator operator who wandered into the apartment after the door was locked and left a bible on the table. He didn't respond when Danny was calling out to him.

What a waste. Oh, the humanity!


The sleep walking angle is interesting, but I think he was nuts from the beginning. I think he killed his Aunt. Like you pointed out, sleepwalking leaves entirely to many holes, and at the end there when the video was skipping around, what the hell was that?

Movie made no real sense unless the guy was completly off his rocker right from the beginning. Not even necessarily sleep walking so much as split personality disorder or something along those lines.


My theory is that a demonic, over sized rat lived in the wall and could possess individuals and warp reality at will. It was simply testing Danny's will and having a bit of fun at the same time!

That's probably the best explanation for this broken film...



I think he had a mix of alcohol abuse and cabin fever. He also experienced a psychotic break. Alcohol played a significant role in the film, it was one of the first things he did on his first night in the apartment. Religion is a very prominent figure in groups like AA.


I'm going to go with the more straightforward scenario that he was possessed. His grandmother saw whatever it was that was haunting the apartment (she had rosary beads near the big hole), and she died of a heart attack. Slowly, he becomes possessed himself, and imagines a lot of what is happening...things he can't explain, so he needs to cover up the killings and such. Not realizing that the entity has control over him at times, he's convinced that 'something' is loose in the apartment, and so he booby traps the place. Suddenly, near the end, after making the nail door, he has flashbacks wherein he sees the truth of what happened...he's been the one killing people and ruining the he decides the only way to stop it is to kill whatever is possessing him, and thus impales himself with the door. Monster caught. Monster destroyed...or IS he...............
